Publications by CHES Members on Learner Perspectives on Health Professions Education:
- Dual purposes by design: exploring alignment between residents’ and academic advisors’ documents in a longitudinal programGinsburg S, Stroud L, Brydges R, Melvin L, Hatala R. Dual purposes by design: exploring alignment between residents’ and academic advisors’ documents in a longitudinal program. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2024 Mar 5:1-7.
- Early career family physician perspectives on their residency experience and practice choices in Canada: a qualitative studyMoravac C, Grudniewicz A, Scott I, Randall E, Goldsmith LJ, Marshall EG, Jones L, Lavergne MR. Early career family physician perspectives on their residency experience and practice choices in Canada: a qualitative study. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2024 Nov 13;15(5):20.
- “They Bring The Topic [Of Social Justice] But Stop There”: Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Teaching Practices that Develop Awareness and Engagement with Social JusticeDe Sousa I, Wytenbroek L, Bailey E, Campbell SH. “They bring the topic [of social justice] but stop there”: Nursing students’ perceptions of teaching practices that develop awareness and engagement with social justice. Nurse Education Today. 2024 Aug 1;139:106241.
- Knowledge and Perceptions of Competency-Based Medical Education in Diagnostic Radiology Post-Graduate Medical Education: Identifying Priorities and Developing a Framework for Professional Development Activities
Bentley H, Darras KE, Forster BB, Probyn L, Sedlic A, Hague CJ. Knowledge and perceptions of competency-based medical education in diagnostic radiology post-graduate medical education: Identifying priorities and developing a framework for professional development activities. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal. 2023 Aug;74(3):487-496.
- Exploring students’ perspectives from two Canadian dental schools toward online learning experiences
Maragha T, Dempster L, Shuler C, Lee V, Mendes V, von Bergmann H. Exploring students’ perspectives from two Canadian dental schools toward online learning experiences. Journal of Dental Education. 2023 Mar 27.
- Exploring the Perceived Educational Impact of COVID-19 on Postgraduate Training in Oncology
Giannopoulos E, Agarwal A, Croke J, Golden DW, Hirsch AE, Jimenez RB, Malik NH, Papadakos J, Quartey NK, Samoil D, Wu CH. Exploring the Perceived Educational Impact of COVID-19 on Postgraduate Training in Oncology. Journal of Cancer Education. 2022 Jun 20:1-8.
- The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: Residents Perspectives on Learning to Teach Over 7 Years
Jarvis-Selinger S, Armstrong A, Wisener K. The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: Residents Perspectives on Learning to Teach Over 7 Years. JBJS Open Access. 2023 Apr;8(2).
- Impact of pediatric near-miss perioperative events: A survey of anesthesiology residents
Taylor JD, West N, Newlove T, Brown Z. Impact of pediatric near‐miss perioperative events: A survey of anesthesiology residents. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2022 Dec 17.
- Students’ appraisal of a preparedness model for the provision of oral health care during a pandemic
Brondani MA, Noroozbahari N. Students’ appraisal of a preparedness model for the provision of oral health care during a pandemic. BMC Oral Health. 2022 Dec;22(1):1-8.
- Only When They Seek: Exploring Supervisor and Resident Perspectives and Positions on Upward Feedback
Ramani S, Lee-Krueger RC, des Ordons AR, Trier J, Armson H, Könings KD, Lockyer JM. Only when they seek: exploring supervisor and resident perspectives and positions on upward feedback. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2022 Oct 1;42(4):249-55.
- A qualitative study of medical students’ perceptions of resident feedback
Wong SN, Luo C, MacDonald G, Hatala R. A qualitative study of medical students’ perceptions of resident feedback. Medical Education. 2022 Oct;56(10):994-1001.
- The ways social networks shape reflection on early significant clinical experiences in medical school
Stasiuk S, Hubinette M, Nimmon L. The ways social networks shape reflection on early significant clinical experiences in medical school. Canadian Medical Education Journal/Revue canadienne de l’éducation médicale. 2022;13(5):28-38.
- Tempering Expectations on the Medical Artificial Intelligence Revolution: The Medical Trainee Viewpoint
Hu Z, Hu R, Yau O, Teng M, Wang P, Hu G, Singla R. Tempering Expectations on the Medical Artificial Intelligence Revolution: The Medical Trainee Viewpoint. JMIR Medical Informatics. 2022 Aug 15;10(8):e34304.
- The Advice Given During Near-Peer Interactions Before and After Curriculum Change
Huang K, Mak D, Hafferty FW, Eva KW. The Advice Given During Near-Peer Interactions Before and After Curriculum Change. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2022 Aug 8;34(4):351-359.
- COVID as a catalyst: medical student perspectives on professional identity formation during the COVID-19 pandemic
Williams-Yuen J, Shunmugam M, Smith H, Jarvis-Selinger S, Hubinette M. COVID as a catalyst: medical student perspectives on professional identity formation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Medical Education Journal/Revue canadienne de l’éducation médicale. 2022;13(3):13-21.
- Health Care Students’ Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence: Countrywide Survey in Canada
Teng M, Singla R, Yau O, Lamoureux D, Gupta A, Hu Z, Hu R, Aissiou A, Eaton S, Hamm C, Hu S. Health Care Students’ Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence: Countrywide Survey in Canada. JMIR medical education. 2022 Jan 31;8(1):e33390.
- Supported Independence: The Role of Supervision to Help Trainees Manage Uncertainty
Ilgen JS, de Bruin AB, Teunissen PW, Sherbino J, Regehr G. Supported independence: The role of supervision to help trainees manage uncertainty. Academic medicine. 2021 Nov 1;96(11S):S81-86.
- Capturing the Moments: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Self-Preservation in Clerkship
Perrella A, Coret A, Regehr G, Farrell LM. Capturing the Moments: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Self-Preservation in Clerkship. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2021 Oct 20;33(5):463-472.
- Learner conceptions of health advocacy: ‘Going above & beyond’ or ‘kind of an expectation’
Hubinette MM, Scott I, van der Goes T, Kahlke R. Learner conceptions of health advocacy:‘Going above & beyond’or ‘kind of an expectation’. Medical Education. 2021 Aug;55(8):933-941.
- Examining the Educational Value of Student-Run Clinics for Health Care Students
Huang K, Maleki M, Regehr G, McEwen H. Examining the educational value of student-run clinics for health care students. Academic Medicine. 2021 Jun 29;96(7):1021-1025.
- Skeptical self-regulation: resident experiences of uncertainty about uncertainty
Ilgen JS, Regehr G, Teunissen PW, Sherbino J, de Bruin AB. Skeptical self‐regulation: Resident experiences of uncertainty about uncertainty. Medical Education. 2021 Jun;55(6):749-757.
- Students’ social networks are diverse, dynamic and deliberate when transitioning to clinical training
Atherley AE, Nimmon L, Teunissen PW, Dolmans D, Hegazi I, Hu W. Students’ social networks are diverse, dynamic and deliberate when transitioning to clinical training. Medical Education. 2021 Mar 1;55(3):376-386.
- Shining a Light Into the Black Box of Group Learning: Medical Students’ Experiences and Perceptions of Small Groups
Park C, Wu C, Regehr G. Shining a Light Into the Black Box of Group Learning: Medical Students’ Experiences and Perceptions of Small Groups. Academic Medicine. 2020 Jun 1;95(6):919-924.
- Exploring the Construct of Psychological Safety in Medical Education.
Hsiang-Te Tsuei S, Lee D, Ho C, Regehr G, Nimmon L. Exploring the construct of psychological safety in medical education. Academic Medicine. 2019 Nov 1;94(11S):S28-35.
- Assigning Medical Students Learning Goals: Do They Do It, and What Happens When They Don’t?
Manzone J, Regehr G, Garbedian S, Brydges R. Assigning Medical Students Learning Goals: Do They Do It, and What Happens When They Don’t? Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2019 Oct 20;31(5):528-535.
- Professional paradox: identity formation in qualified doctors pursuing further training
Chan M, Pratt D, Poole G, Sidhu R. Professional paradox: identity formation in qualified doctors pursuing further training. Medical Education. 2018 Mar;52(3):302-313.
- How do formative objective structured clinical examinations drive learning? analysis of residents’ perceptions
Pugh D, Desjardins I, Eva K. How do formative objective structured clinical examinations drive learning? Analysis of residents’ perceptions. Medical Teacher. 2018 Jan 2;40(1):45-52.
- Exploring the role of classroom-based learning in professional identity formation of family practice residents using the experiences, trajectories, and reifications framework
Chen LY, Hubinette MM. Exploring the role of classroom-based learning in professional identity formation of family practice residents using the experiences, trajectories, and reifications framework. Medical Teacher. 2017 Aug 3;39(8):876-882.
- How and Why Preclerkship Students Set Learning Goals and Assess Their Achievement: A Qualitative Exploration
Kindler PM, Bates J, Hui E, Eva KW. How and why preclerkship students set learning goals and assess their achievement: A qualitative exploration. Academic Medicine. 2017 Nov 1;92(11S):S61-66.
- The big d(eal): professional identity through discursive constructions of ‘patient’
Schrewe B, Bates J, Pratt D, Ruitenberg CW, McKellin WH. The Big D (eal): professional identity through discursive constructions of ‘patient’. Medical Education. 2017 Jun;51(6):656-668.
- Staging a performance: learners’ perceptions about direct observation during residency
LaDonna KA, Hatala R, Lingard L, Voyer S, Watling C. Staging a performance: learners’ perceptions about direct observation during residency. Medical education. 2017 May;51(5):498-510.
- Cracking the code: residents’ interpretations of written assessment comments
Ginsburg S, van der Vleuten CP, Eva KW, Lingard L. Cracking the code: residents’ interpretations of written assessment comments. Medical Education. 2017 Apr;51(4):401-410.
- Medical Students’ Understanding of Directed Questioning by Their Clinical Preceptors.
Lo L, Regehr G. Medical Students’ understanding of directed questioning by their clinical preceptors. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2017 Jan 2;29(1):5-12.
- Feedback and the educational alliance: examining credibility judgements and their consequences
Telio S, Regehr G, Ajjawi R. Feedback and the educational alliance: examining credibility judgements and their consequences. Medical Education. 2016 Sep;50(9):933-942.
- Perceptions of Peer-to-Peer Interprofessional Feedback Among Students in the Health Professions
van Schaik SM, Regehr G, Eva KW, Irby DM, O’Sullivan PS. Perceptions of peer-to-peer interprofessional feedback among students in the health professions. Academic Medicine. 2016 Jun 1;91(6):807-812.
- Preparedness for physiotherapy in private practice: novices identify key factors in an interpretive description study
Atkinson R, McElroy T. Preparedness for physiotherapy in private practice: Novices identify key factors in an interpretive description study. Manual Therapy. 2016 Apr 1;22:116-121.
- Peer tutoring in a medical school: perceptions of tutors and tutees
Burgess A, Dornan T, Clarke AJ, Menezes A, Mellis C. Peer tutoring in a medical school: perceptions of tutors and tutees. BMC medical education. 2016 Dec;16(1):1-7.
- “How to do things with words” in health professions education
Ruitenberg CW, Towle A. “How to do things with words” in health professions education. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2015 Oct;20(4):857-872.
- Sink or Night Float: University of British Columbia Radiology Residents’ Experience With Overnight Call
Scali EP, Strovski E, Forster BB, Mar C, Chang SD. Sink or night float: University of British Columbia radiology residents’ experience with overnight call. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal. 2015 May;66(2):185-189.
- The teacher-student partnership: exploring the giving and receiving of feedback
Rodriguez T, Liu YA, Veerapen K. The teacher–student partnership: exploring the giving and receiving of feedback. Medical education. 2015 May;49(5):536-537.
- Students’ experience of prison health education during medical school
Filek H, Harris J, Koehn J, Oliffe J, Buxton J, Martin R. Students’ experience of prison health education during medical school. Medical Teacher. 2013 Nov 1;35(11):938-943.
- Saving Africa: A critical study of university student viewpoints on advocacy and outreach initiatives
Dharamsi S, Nashon S, Wong A, Bain P, McElligott K, Baines E. Saving Africa: A critical study of advocacy and outreach initiatives by university students. Journal of Global Citizenship & Equity Education. 2013;3(1):53.
- “I am a doctor”: Negotiating the discourses of standardization and diversity in professional identity construction
Frost HD, Regehr G. “I am a doctor”: negotiating the discourses of standardization and diversity in professional identity construction. Academic Medicine. 2013 Oct 1;88(10):1570-1577.
- Student perceptions of assessment and feedback in longitudinal integrated clerkships
Bates J, Konkin J, Suddards C, Dobson S, Pratt D. Student perceptions of assessment and feedback in longitudinal integrated clerkships. Medical education. 2013 Apr;47(4):362-374.
- Divergence in student and educator conceptual structures during auscultation training
Brydges R, Peets A, Issenberg SB, Regehr G. Divergence in student and educator conceptual structures during auscultation training. Medical education. 2013 Feb;47(2):198-209.
- The culturally sculpted self in self-directed learning
Poole G. The culturally sculpted self in self-directed learning. Medical education. 2012 Aug;46(8):735-737.
- Directed self-regulated learning versus instructor-regulated learning in simulation training
Brydges R, Nair P, Ma I, Shanks D, Hatala R. Directed self‐regulated learning versus instructor‐regulated learning in simulation training. Medical education. 2012 Jul;46(7):648-656.
- Family Medicine Residents’ and Recent Graduates’ Perspectives on Residency Research requirements within the context of the CanMEDS-FM Scholar Role
Koo J, Bains J, Collins MB, Dharamsi S. Residency research requirements and the CanMEDS-FM scholar role: Perspectives of residents and recent graduates. Canadian Family Physician. 2012 Jun 1;58(6):e330-336.
- Influences on medical students’ self-regulated learning after test completion
Agrawal S, Norman GR, Eva KW. Influences on medical students’ self‐regulated learning after test completion. Medical education. 2012 Mar;46(3):326-335.
- Exploring residents’ perceptions of expertise and expert development
Mylopoulos M, Regehr G, Ginsburg S. Exploring residents’ perceptions of expertise and expert development. Academic Medicine. 2011 Oct 1;86(10):S46-49.
- Tensions in informed self-assessment: how the desire for feedback and reticence to collect and use it can conflict
Mann K, van der Vleuten C, Eva K, Armson H, Chesluk B, Dornan T, Holmboe E, Lockyer J, Loney E, Sargeant J. Tensions in informed self-assessment: how the desire for feedback and reticence to collect and use it can conflict. Academic Medicine. 2011 Sep 1;86(9):1120-1127.
- Features of assessment learners use to make informed self-assessments of clinical performance
Sargeant J, Eva KW, Armson H, Chesluk B, Dornan T, Holmboe E, Lockyer JM, Loney E, Mann KV, van der Vleuten CP. Features of assessment learners use to make informed self‐assessments of clinical performance. Medical education. 2011 Jun;45(6):636-647.
- Students’ perception of the learning environment in a distributed medical programme
Veerapen K, McAleer S. Students’ perception of the learning environment in a distributed medical programme. Medical Education Online. 2010 Jan 1;15(1):5168.
- Use of simulator-based medical procedural curriculum: the learner’s perspectives
Shanks D, Wong RY, Roberts JM, Nair P, Ma IW. Use of simulator-based medical procedural curriculum: the learner’s perspectives. BMC medical education. 2010 Dec;10(1):1-7.
- Which factors, personal or external, most influence students’ generation of learning goals?
Eva KW, Munoz J, Hanson MD, Walsh A, Wakefield J. Which factors, personal or external, most influence students’ generation of learning goals? Academic Medicine. 2010 Oct 1;85(10):S102-105.
- Comparing self-guided learning and educator-guided learning formats for simulation-based clinical training
Brydges R, Carnahan H, Rose D, Dubrowski A. Comparing self‐guided learning and educator‐guided learning formats for simulation‐based clinical training. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2010 Aug;66(8):1832-1844.
- Active learning: a resident’s reflection on the impact of a student-centred curriculum
Mickelson JJ, Kaplan WE, MacNeily AE. Active learning: a resident’s reflection on the impact of a student-centred curriculum. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2009 Oct;3(5):399.
- Canadian medical students’ perceptions of public health education in the undergraduate medical curriculum
Tyler IV, Hau M, Buxton JA, Elliott LJ, Harvey BJ, Hockin JC, Mowat DL. Canadian medical students’ perceptions of public health education in the undergraduate medical curriculum. Academic Medicine. 2009 Sep 1;84(9):1307-1312.
- Teaching and learning in the operating room is a two-way street: resident perceptions
Vikis EA, Mihalynuk TV, Pratt DD, Sidhu RS. Teaching and learning in the operating room is a two-way street: resident perceptions. The American journal of surgery. 2008 May 1;195(5):594-598.