Publications by CHES Members on Professional as Learner (CPD):
- Effect of a multimodal continuing professional development initiative on HIV testing in primary care in British Columbia, CanadaLynn BM, Barrows JA, Lam VW, Curran VR. Effect of a multimodal continuing professional development initiative on HIV testing in primary care in British Columbia, Canada. AIDS Research and Therapy. 2024 Dec 19;21(1):93.
- Barriers and facilitators to continuous quality improvement engagement among rural physicians in British Columbia, Canada: a mixed-methods studyBorn D, Lynn BM, Bluman B, Markham R, Curran V. Barriers and facilitators to continuous quality improvement engagement among rural physicians in British Columbia, Canada: a mixed-methods study. Rural and Remote Health. 2024 Dec;24(4):1-7.
- Voices of Conference Attendees: How Should Future Hybrid Conferences Be Designed?Ram SS, Stricker D, Pannetier C, Tabin N, Costello RW, Stolz D, Eva KW, Huwendiek S. Voices of conference attendees: how should future hybrid conferences be designed?. BMC medical education. 2024 Apr 9;24(1):393.
- Can We Dance Together? The Dyadic Leadership Model in Physician Quality ImprovementWaida E, Harper C. Can we dance together? The dyadic leadership model in physician quality improvement. British Columbia Medical Journal. 2024 Mar 1;66(2)
- Facilitators, Barriers and Impacts to Implementing Dementia Care Training for Staff in Long-term Care Settings by Using Fully Immersive Virtual Reality: A Scoping Review ProtocolHung L, Zhao Y, Lam M, Ren H, Wong KL. Facilitators, barriers and impacts to implementing dementia care training for staff in long-term care settings by using fully immersive virtual reality: a scoping review protocol. BMJ open. 2024 May 1;14(5):e083724.
- Trends in the proportion of women speakers at north american allergy and immunology conferences, 2008 to 2020
Hunt KM, Foley M, Connors LA, Hildebrand KJ, Ellis AK. Trends in the proportion of women speakers at North American Allergy and Immunology conferences, 2008 to 2020. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2023 Dec 1;131(6):728-36.
- When Feedback is Not Perceived as Feedback: Challenges for Regulatory Body-Mandated Peer Review
LaDonna KA, Cowley L, Ananny L, Regehr G, Eva KW. When Feedback is Not Perceived as Feedback: Challenges for Regulatory Body–Mandated Peer Review. Academic Medicine. 2023 Nov 1;98(11S):S72-8.
- Cliques within the crowd: identifying medical conference attendee subgroups by their motivations for participation
Ram SS, Stricker D, Pannetier C, Tabin N, Costello RW, Stolz D, Eva KW, Huwendiek S. Cliques within the crowd: identifying medical conference attendee subgroups by their motivations for participation. Advances in health sciences education. 2023 Apr 29:1-24.
- Navigating gaps in practice: consensus recommendations for educational and support structures for emergency physicians returning from gaps in practice
Hall AK, Rocca N, Stefan RA, Turner T, Chaplin T, Chan TM, McColl T, Wawrykow T, McEwen J, Lee S, Murray H. Navigating gaps in practice: consensus recommendations for educational and support structures for emergency physicians returning from gaps in practice. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2023 Jul;25(7):568-579.
- Complexities of continuing professional development in context: physician engagement in clinical coaching
Kahlke R, Pratt DD, Bluman B, Overhill K, Eva KW. Complexities of Continuing Professional Development in Context: Physician Engagement in Clinical Coaching. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2022 Jan 1;42(1):5-13.
- Strangers in a strange land: The experience of physicians undergoing remediation
Bourgeois‐Law G, Regehr G, Teunissen PW, Varpio L. Strangers in a strange land: The experience of physicians undergoing remediation. Medical Education. 2022 Jun 1.
- Remediation in Practice: A Polarity to be Managed
Bourgeois-Law G, Varpio L, Teunissen P, Regehr G. Remediation in practice: a polarity to be managed. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2022 Apr 1;42(2):130-134.
- Pilot of a Training Format for Clinicians’ Continuing Professional Development: Open House With Rotating Short Segments
Cheung IW, Bland VR, Castro-Noriega E, Silva DS, Miller KJ, Michalak EE, Goldsmith CH. Pilot of a training format for clinicians’ continuing professional development: Open house with rotating short segments. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2022 Jan 1;42(1):e92-95.
- Complexities of Continuing Professional Development in Context: Physician Engagement in Clinical Coaching
Kahlke R, Pratt DD, Bluman B, Overhill K, Eva KW. Complexities of Continuing Professional Development in Context: Physician Engagement in Clinical Coaching. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2022 Jan 1;42(1):5-13.
- Patient Partners in Continuing Professional Development: Experience Developing an End-of-Life Care Program for Family Physicians
Tajani S, Towle A, Beamish L, Bluman B. Patient partners in continuing professional development: experience developing an end-of-life care program for family physicians. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2021 Oct 1;41(4):273-278.
- Evaluation of Patient Engagement in a Clinical Emergency Care Network: Findings From the BC Emergency Medicine Network
Drebit S, Eggers K, Archibald C, Abu-Laban R, Ho K, Khazei A, Lindstrom R, Marsden J, Martin E, Christenson J. Evaluation of patient engagement in a clinical emergency care network: findings from the BC Emergency Medicine Network. Journal of Patient Experience. 2020 Dec;7(6):937-940.
- Educator, judge, public defender: Conflicting roles for remediators of practising physicians
Bourgeois‐Law G, Regehr G, Teunissen PW, Varpio L. Educator, judge, public defender: Conflicting roles for remediators of practising physicians. Medical Education. 2020 Dec;54(12):1171-1179.
- Learning in Faculty Development: The Role of Social Networks
Buckley H, Nimmon L. Learning in faculty development: The role of social networks. Academic Medicine. 2020 Nov 1;95(11S):S20-27.
- The Influence of Relationship-Centered Coaching on Physician Perceptions of Peer Review in the Context of Mandated Regulatory Practices
Arabsky S, Castro N, Murray M, Bisca I, Eva KW. The influence of relationship-centered coaching on physician perceptions of peer review in the context of mandated regulatory practices. Academic Medicine. 2020 Nov 1;95(11S):S14-19.
- Comparing effects of two higher intensity feedback interventions with simple feedback on improving staff communication in nursing homes-the INFORM cluster-randomized controlled trial
Hoben M, Ginsburg LR, Easterbrook A, Norton PG, Anderson RA, Andersen EA, Boström AM, Cranley LA, Lanham HJ, Weeks LE, Cummings GG. Comparing effects of two higher intensity feedback interventions with simple feedback on improving staff communication in nursing homes—the INFORM cluster-randomized controlled trial. Implementation Science. 2020 Dec;15(1):1-16.
- Growth curves: The experiences of Canadian paediatricians in their first 5 years of independent practice
Schrewe B, Patel R, Rowan-Legg A. Growth curves: The experiences of Canadian paediatricians in their first 5 years of independent practice. Paediatrics & Child Health. 2020 Jun 10;25(4):235-240.
- An international study of trainee-trained transitions: Introducing the transition-to-trained-doctor (T3D) model
Gordon L, Teunissen PW, Jindal-Snape D, Bates J, Rees CE, Westerman M, Sinha R, van Dijk A. An international study of trainee-trained transitions: Introducing the transition-to-trained-doctor (T3D) model. Medical Teacher. 2020 Jun 2;42(6):679-688.
- A view from the sender side of feedback: anticipated receptivity to clinical feedback when changing prior physicians’ clinical decisions-a mixed methods study
Bowen JL, Boscardin CK, Chiovaro J, Ten Cate O, Regehr G, Irby DM, O’Brien BC. A view from the sender side of feedback: anticipated receptivity to clinical feedback when changing prior physicians’ clinical decisions—a mixed methods study. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2020 May;25(2):263-282.
- The disconnect between knowing and doing in health professions education and practice
Kahlke RM, McConnell MM, Wisener KM, Eva KW. The disconnect between knowing and doing in health professions education and practice. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2020 Mar;25(1):227-240.
- Reflections From the Rearview Mirror: Internal Medicine Physicians’ Reactions to Clinical Feedback After Transitions of Responsibility.
Bowen JL, Ilgen JS, Regehr G, Ten Cate O, Irby DM, O’Brien BC. Reflections from the rearview mirror: internal medicine physicians’ reactions to clinical feedback after transitions of responsibility. Academic Medicine. 2019 Dec 1;94(12):1953-1960.
- Remote assessment via video evaluation (RAVVE): a pilot study to trial video-enabled peer feedback on clinical performance.
Ho K, Yao C, Novak Lauscher H, Koehler BE, Shojania K, Jamal S, Collins D, Kherani R, Meneilly G, Eva K. Remote assessment via video evaluation (RAVVE): a pilot study to trial video-enabled peer feedback on clinical performance. BMC medical education. 2019 Dec;19(1):1-9.
- Strategies to increase physician engagement in acute care settings: a scoping review
Shaw G, Smith N, Khowaja A, Mitton C, Denis JL, Lovato C. Strategies to increase physician engagement in acute care settings: a scoping review. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 2019 Nov 7.
- Attitudes Towards Physicians Requiring Remediation: One-of-Us or Not-Like-Us?
Bourgeois-Law G, Teunissen PW, Varpio L, Regehr G. Attitudes towards physicians requiring remediation: one-of-us or not-like-us? Academic Medicine. 2019 Nov 1;94(11S):S36-41.
- Implementation of a regional quality improvement collaborative to improve care of people living with opioid use disorder in a Canadian setting
Beamish L, Sagorin Z, Stanley C, English K, Garelnabi R, Cousineau D, Barrios R, Klimas J. Implementation of a regional quality improvement collaborative to improve care of people living with opioid use disorder in a Canadian setting. BMC Health Services Research. 2019 Dec;19(1):1-8.
- When I say … community of practice.
Buckley H, Steinert Y, Regehr G, Nimmon L. When I say… community of practice. Medical education. 2019 Aug;53(8):763-765.
- The bc emergency medicine network: evaluation approach and early findings
Marsden J, Drebit S, Lindstrom RR, MacKinnon C, Archibald C, Abu-Laban RB, Eggers K, Ho K, Khazei A, Lund A, Martin E. The BC Emergency Medicine Network: Evaluation approach and early findings. British Columbia Medical Journal. 2019 May 1;61(4).
- The pain of procedural pain management education in the emergency department
Goldman RD. The pain of procedural pain management education in the emergency department. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2019 Mar;21(2):161-162.
- Education or regulation? Exploring our underlying conceptualisations of remediation for practising physicians.
Bourgeois‐Law G, Varpio L, Regehr G, Teunissen PW. Education or regulation? Exploring our underlying conceptualisations of remediation for practising physicians. Medical education. 2019 Mar;53(3):276-284.
- Impact of allergist-facilitated education on public healthcare provider confidence in counseling about early peanut introduction
Lee NJ, Soller L, McConnell-Nzunga J, Scarr J, Chan ES, Crocker B, Schneiderheit-Hsu J, Triolet K, Naiman D, Conley S, Heath C. Impact of Allergist-Facilitated Education on Public Healthcare Provider Confidence in Counseling about Early Peanut Introduction. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2019 Feb 1;143(2):AB71.
- Impact of the diabetes Canada guideline dissemination strategy on the prescription of vascular protective medications: a retrospective cohort study, 2010-2015
Rigobon AV, Kalia S, Nichols J, Aliarzadeh B, Greiver M, Moineddin R, Sullivan F, Yu C. Impact of the Diabetes Canada guideline dissemination strategy on the prescription of vascular protective medications: a retrospective cohort study, 2010–2015. Diabetes Care. 2019 Jan 1;42(1):148-56.
- Identifying primary care physicians continuing education needs by examining clinical practices, attitudes, and barriers to screening across multiple cancers
Lynn B, Hatry A, Burnett C, Kan L, Olatunbosun T, Bluman B. Identifying primary care physicians continuing education needs by examining clinical practices, attitudes, and barriers to screening across multiple cancers. Journal of Cancer Education. 2018 Dec;33(6):1255-1262.
- Remediation in practicing physicians: current and alternative conceptualizations
Bourgeois-Law G, Teunissen PW, Regehr G. Remediation in practicing physicians: current and alternative conceptualizations. Academic Medicine. 2018 Nov 1;93(11):1638-1644.
- Advancing the literature on designing audit and feedback interventions: identifying theory-informed hypotheses
Colquhoun HL, Carroll K, Eva KW, Grimshaw JM, Ivers N, Michie S, Sales A, Brehaut JC. Advancing the literature on designing audit and feedback interventions: identifying theory-informed hypotheses. Implementation Science. 2017 Dec;12(1):1-10.
- Professional paradox: identity formation in qualified doctors pursuing further training
Chan M, Pratt D, Poole G, Sidhu R. Professional paradox: identity formation in qualified doctors pursuing further training. Medical Education. 2018 Mar;52(3):302-313.
- Collaborative peer review process as an informal interprofessional learning tool: findings from an exploratory study
Kwon JY, Bulk LY, Giannone Z, Liva S, Chakraborty B, Brown H. Collaborative peer review process as an informal interprofessional learning tool: Findings from an exploratory study. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2018 Jan 2;32(1):101-103.
- Building public health capacity through online global learning
Madhok R, Frank E, Heller R. Building public health capacity through online global learning. Open Praxis. 2018 Feb 22;10(1):91-97.
- Implementing a collaborative coaching intervention for professionals providing care to children and their families: an exploratory study
Tatla SK, Howard D, Antunes Silvestre A, Burnes S, Husson M, Jarus T. Implementing a collaborative coaching intervention for professionals providing care to children and their families: An exploratory study. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2017 Sep 3;31(5):604-612.
- Team-Based Coaching Approach to Peer Review: Sharing Service and Scholarship.
Yarris LM, Simpson D, Ilgen JS, Chan TM. Team-based coaching approach to peer review: sharing service and scholarship. Journal of graduate medical education. 2017 Feb;9(1):127-128.
- Reporting and design elements of audit and feedback interventions: a secondary review
Colquhoun H, Michie S, Sales A, Ivers N, Grimshaw JM, Carroll K, Chalifoux M, Eva K, Brehaut J. Reporting and design elements of audit and feedback interventions: a secondary review. BMJ quality & safety. 2017 Jan 1;26(1):54-60.
- An Assessment of the Continuing Surgical Education Program, a Surgical Preceptor Program for Faculty Members.
Cundiff GW, Geoffrion R. An assessment of the continuing surgical education program, a surgical preceptor program for faculty members. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2016 Nov 1;38(11):1053-1060.
- Developing Mentoring Competency: Does a One Session Training Workshop Have Impact?
Lau C, Ford J, Van Lieshout RJ, Saperson K, McConnell M, McCabe R. Developing mentoring competency: does a one session training workshop have impact? Academic Psychiatry. 2016 Jun;40(3):429-433.
- Coaching Surgeons: Is Culture Limiting Our Ability to Improve?
Mutabdzic D, Mylopoulos M, Murnaghan ML, Patel P, Zilbert N, Seemann N, Regehr G, Moulton CA. Coaching surgeons: is culture limiting our ability to improve? Annals of surgery. 2015 Aug 1;262(2):213-216.
- Technology-enabled academic detailing: Computer-mediated education between pharmacists and physicians for evidence-based prescribing
Ho K, Nguyen A, Jarvis-Selinger S, Lauscher HN, Cressman C, Zibrik L. Technology-enabled academic detailing: computer-mediated education between pharmacists and physicians for evidence-based prescribing. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2013 Sep 1;82(9):762-771.
- A systematic review of the use of theory in randomized controlled trials of audit and feedback
Colquhoun HL, Brehaut JC, Sales A, Ivers N, Grimshaw J, Michie S, Carroll K, Chalifoux M, Eva KW. A systematic review of the use of theory in randomized controlled trials of audit and feedback. Implementation Science. 2013 Dec;8(1):1-8.
- Effective feedback for maintenance of competence: from data delivery to trusting dialogues
Eva KW, Regehr G. Effective feedback for maintenance of competence: from data delivery to trusting dialogues. CMAJ. 2013 Apr 2;185(6):463-464.
- Quality evaluation reports: Can a faculty development program make a difference?
Dudek NL, Marks MB, Wood TJ, Dojeiji S, Bandiera G, Hatala R, Cooke L, Sadownik L. Quality evaluation reports: Can a faculty development program make a difference?. Medical teacher. 2012 Nov 1;34(11):e725-731.
- Building theories of knowledge translation interventions: Use the entire menu of constructs
Brehaut JC, Eva KW. Building theories of knowledge translation interventions: use the entire menu of constructs. Implementation Science. 2012 Dec;7(1):1-10.
- An interprofessional web-based resource for health professions preceptors
Kassam R, McLeod E, Kwong M, Tidball G, Collins J, Neufeld L, Drynan D. An interprofessional web-based resource for health professions preceptors. American journal of pharmaceutical education. 2012 Nov 12;76(9).
- CPD and KT: models used and opportunities for synergy
Sargeant J, Borduas F, Sales A, Klein D, Lynn B, Stenerson H. CPD and KT: models used and opportunities for synergy. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2011 Jun;31(3):167-173.
- Tensions in informed self-assessment: how the desire for feedback and reticence to collect and use it can conflict
Mann K, van der Vleuten C, Eva K, Armson H, Chesluk B, Dornan T, Holmboe E, Lockyer J, Loney E, Sargeant J. Tensions in informed self-assessment: how the desire for feedback and reticence to collect and use it can conflict. Academic Medicine. 2011 Sep 1;86(9):1120-1127.
- Electronic communities of practice: guidelines from a project
Ho K, Jarvis‐Selinger S, Norman CD, Li LC, Olatunbosun T, Cressman C, Nguyen A. Electronic communities of practice: guidelines from a project. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2010 Mar;30(2):139-143.
- Development and retention of fine psychomotor skills: implications for the aging dentist
Duong JK, Gardner K, Rucker LM. Development and retention of fine psychomotor skills: implications for the aging dentist. Journal-Canadian Dental Association. 2010 Jan 1;76(4):233.
- Interdisciplinary primary health care research training through TUTOR-PHC: the insiders’ view
Perreault K, Boivin A, Pauzé E, Terry AL, Newton C, Dawkins S, Houle J, Brown JB. Interdisciplinary primary health care research training through TUTOR-PHC: The insiders’ view. Journal of interprofessional care. 2009 Jan 1;23(4):414-416.
- Online knowledge networking what leaders need to know
MacPhee M, Suryaprakash N, Jackson C. Online knowledge networking: what leaders need to know. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration. 2009 Oct 1;39(10):415-422.