Publications by CHES Members on Ex-vivo Clinical Assessment:
- An exploration of “real time” assessments as a means to better understand preceptors’ judgments of student performance
Luu K, Sidhu R, Chadha NK, Eva KW. An exploration of “real time” assessments as a means to better understand preceptors’ judgments of student performance. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2023 Aug;28(3):793-809.
- Global interprofessional therapeutic communication scale © short form (GITCS©): feasibility testing in Canada
Campbell SH, Aredes ND, Bontinen K, Lim Y, Tharmaratnam T, Stephen LA. Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale© Short Form (GITCS©): Feasibility Testing in Canada. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. 2022 Apr 1;65:7-17.
- Replacing high-stakes summative examinations with graduated medical licensure in Canada
Thoma B, Monteiro S, Pardhan A, Waters H, Chan T. Replacing high-stakes summative examinations with graduated medical licensure in Canada. CMAJ. 2022 Feb 7;194(5):E168-170.
- Remote assessment via video evaluation (RAVVE): a pilot study to trial video-enabled peer feedback on clinical performance.
Ho K, Yao C, Novak Lauscher H, Koehler BE, Shojania K, Jamal S, Collins D, Kherani R, Meneilly G, Eva K. Remote assessment via video evaluation (RAVVE): a pilot study to trial video-enabled peer feedback on clinical performance. BMC medical education. 2019 Dec;19(1):1-9.
- Asking for less and getting more: the impact of broadening a rater’s focus in formative assessment
Tavares W, Sadowski A, Eva KW. Asking for less and getting more: the impact of broadening a rater’s focus in formative assessment. Academic Medicine. 2018 Oct 1;93(10):1584-1590.
- Cognitive influences on complex performance assessment: lessons from the interplay between medicine and psychology
Eva KW. Cognitive influences on complex performance assessment: lessons from the interplay between medicine and psychology. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 2018 Jun 1;7(2):177-188.
- How do formative objective structured clinical examinations drive learning? analysis of residents’ perceptions
Pugh D, Desjardins I, Eva K. How do formative objective structured clinical examinations drive learning? Analysis of residents’ perceptions. Medical Teacher. 2018 Jan 2;40(1):45-52.
- Inter-rater variability as mutual disagreement: identifying raters’ divergent points of view
Gingerich A, Ramlo SE, van der Vleuten CP, Eva KW, Regehr G. Inter-rater variability as mutual disagreement: identifying raters’ divergent points of view. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2017 Oct;22(4):819-838.
- A randomised trial of the influence of racial stereotype bias on examiners’ scores, feedback and recollections in undergraduate clinical exams
Yeates P, Woolf K, Benbow E, Davies B, Boohan M, Eva K. A randomised trial of the influence of racial stereotype bias on examiners’ scores, feedback and recollections in undergraduate clinical exams. BMC medicine. 2017 Dec;15(1):1-11.
- Do OSCE progress test scores predict performance in a national high-stakes examination?
Pugh D, Bhanji F, Cole G, Dupre J, Hatala R, Humphrey‐Murto S, Touchie C, Wood TJ. Do OSCE progress test scores predict performance in a national high‐stakes examination? Medical Education. 2016 Mar;50(3):351-8.
- Selecting and Simplifying: Rater Performance and Behavior When Considering Multiple Competencies
Tavares W, Ginsburg S, Eva KW. Selecting and simplifying: rater performance and behavior when considering multiple competencies. Teaching and learning in medicine. 2016 Jan 2;28(1):41-51.
- Constructing a validity argument for the Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS): A systematic review of validity evidence
Hatala R, Cook DA, Brydges R, Hawkins R. Constructing a validity argument for the Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS): a systematic review of validity evidence. Advances in health sciences education. 2015 Dec;20(5):1149-1175.
- A systematic review of validity evidence for checklists versus global rating scales in simulation-based assessment
Ilgen JS, Ma IW, Hatala R, Cook DA. A systematic review of validity evidence for checklists versus global rating scales in simulation‐based assessment. Medical education. 2015 Feb;49(2):161-173.
- Linking simulation-based educational assessments and patient-related outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Brydges R, Hatala R, Zendejas B, Erwin PJ, Cook DA. Linking simulation-based educational assessments and patient-related outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Academic Medicine. 2015 Feb 1;90(2):246-256.
- More consensus than idiosyncrasy: Categorizing social judgments to examine variability in Mini-CEX ratings
Gingerich A, van der Vleuten CP, Eva KW, Regehr G. More consensus than idiosyncrasy: Categorizing social judgments to examine variability in Mini-CEX ratings. Academic Medicine. 2014 Nov 1;89(11):1510-1519.
- What counts as validity evidence? Examples and prevalence in a systematic review of simulation-based assessment
Cook DA, Zendejas B, Hamstra SJ, Hatala R, Brydges R. What counts as validity evidence? Examples and prevalence in a systematic review of simulation-based assessment. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2014 May;19(2):233-250.
- Simulation-based assessment of paramedics and performance in real clinical contexts
Tavares W, LeBlanc VR, Mausz J, Sun V, Eva KW. Simulation-based assessment of paramedics and performance in real clinical contexts. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2014 Jan 1;18(1):116-122.
- You’re certainly relatively competent’: Assessor bias due to recent experiences
Yeates P, O’Neill P, Mann K, W Eva K. ‘You’re certainly relatively competent’: assessor bias due to recent experiences. Medical education. 2013 Sep;47(9):910-922.
- Seeing the same thing differently: Mechanisms that contribute to assessor differences in directly observed performance assessments
Yeates P, O’Neill P, Mann K, Eva K. Seeing the same thing differently. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2013 Aug;18(3):325-341.
- Exploring the impact of mental workload on rater-based assessments
Tavares W, Eva KW. Exploring the impact of mental workload on rater-based assessments. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2013 May;18(2):291-303.
- Global rating scale for the assessment of paramedic clinical competence
Tavares W, Boet S, Theriault R, Mallette T, Eva KW. Global rating scale for the assessment of paramedic clinical competence. Prehospital emergency care. 2013 Jan 1;17(1):57-67.
- Validation of a global assessment of arthroscopic skills in a cadaveric knee model
Shantz JA, Leiter JR, Collins JB, MacDonald PB. Validation of a global assessment of arthroscopic skills in a cadaveric knee model. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery. 2013 Jan 1;29(1):106-112.
- Effect of exposure to good vs poor medical trainee performance on attending physician ratings of subsequent performances
Yeates P, O’Neill P, Mann K, Eva KW. Effect of exposure to good vs poor medical trainee performance on attending physician ratings of subsequent performances. JAMA. 2012 Dec 5;308(21):2226-2232.
- Objective assessment of laparoscopic skills: dual-task approach
Meneghetti AT, Pachev G, Zheng B, Panton ON, Qayumi K. Objective assessment of laparoscopic skills: dual-task approach. Surgical Innovation. 2012 Dec;19(4):452-459.
- Comparing the use of global rating scale with checklists for the assessment of central venous catheterization skills using simulation
Ma IW, Zalunardo N, Pachev G, Beran T, Brown M, Hatala R, McLaughlin K. Comparing the use of global rating scale with checklists for the assessment of central venous catheterization skills using simulation. Advances in health sciences education. 2012 Oct;17(4):457-470.
- Determination of the psychometric properties of a behavioural marking system for obstetrical team training using high-fidelity simulation
Morgan PJ, Tregunno D, Pittini R, Tarshis J, Regehr G, Desousa S, Kurrek M, Milne K. Determination of the psychometric properties of a behavioural marking system for obstetrical team training using high-fidelity simulation. BMJ Quality & Safety. 2012 Jan 1;21(1):78-82.
- Adapting objective structured clinical examinations to assess social work students’ performance and reflections
Bogo M, Regehr C, Logie C, Katz E, Mylopoulos M, Regehr G. Adapting objective structured clinical examinations to assess social work students’ performance and reflections. Journal of Social Work Education. 2011 Jan 15;47(1):5-18.
- Modification of an OSCE format to enhance patient continuity in a high-stakes assessment of clinical performance
Hatala R, Marr S, Cuncic C, Bacchus CM. Modification of an OSCE format to enhance patient continuity in a high-stakes assessment of clinical performance. BMC medical education. 2011 Dec;11(1):1-5.
- Rater-based assessments as social judgments: rethinking the etiology of rater errors
Gingerich A, Regehr G, Eva KW. Rater-based assessments as social judgments: rethinking the Etiology of rater errors. Academic Medicine. 2011 Oct 1;86(10):S1-7.
- Adjusting our lens: can developmental differences in diagnostic reasoning be harnessed to improve health professional and trainee assessment?
Ilgen JS, Bowen JL, Yarris LM, Fu R, Lowe RA, Eva K. Adjusting our lens: can developmental differences in diagnostic reasoning be harnessed to improve health professional and trainee assessment? Academic Emergency Medicine. 2011 Oct;18:S79-86.
- A surgical virtual reality simulator distinguishes between expert gynecologic laparoscopic surgeons and perinatologists
Mohtashami F, von Dadelszen P, Allaire C. A surgical virtual reality simulator distinguishes between expert gynecologic laparoscopic surgeons and perinatologists. JSLS: Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. 2011 Jul;15(3):365.
- The effect of gender interactions on students’ physical examination ratings in objective structured clinical examination stations
Carson JA, Peets A, Grant V, McLaughlin K. The effect of gender interactions on students’ physical examination ratings in objective structured clinical examination stations. Academic Medicine. 2010 Nov 1;85(11):1772-1776.
- Development and validation of a cardiac findings checklist for use with simulator-based assessments of cardiac physical examination competence
Hatala R, Scalese RJ, Cole G, Bacchus M, Kassen B, Issenberg SB. Development and validation of a cardiac findings checklist for use with simulator-based assessments of cardiac physical examination competence. Simulation in Healthcare. 2009 Apr 1;4(1):17-21.