Publications by CHES Members on Health Promotion / Patient Education:
- Characterizing the Perceived Need for Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Training in British ColumbiaCao L, Dahri K, Legal M. Characterizing the Perceived Need for Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Training in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 2024 Aug 14;77(3).
- Digesting the Contents: an Analysis of Online Colorectal Cancer Education Websites
Wang L, Gusnowski EM, Ingledew PA. Digesting the Contents: an Analysis of Online Colorectal Cancer Education Websites. Journal of Cancer Education. 2020 Sep 9:1-11.
- Analysis of the quality of meningioma education resources available on the internet
Lim CA, Ingledew PA. Analysis of the quality of meningioma education resources available on the Internet. Neuro-Oncology Practice. 2021 Apr;8(2):129-136.
- Why you should Mini-Med School: Mini-Med School as an intervention to increase health literacy
Shatenko S, Harder S, Gair J. Why you should Mini-Med School: Mini-Med School as an intervention to increase health literacy. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2020 Dec;11(6):e72.
- Websites, Websites Everywhere: How Thyroid Cancer Patients Use the Internet
Chang K, Berthelet E, Grubbs E, Hamilton S, Karvat A, Tran E, Wu J, Ingledew PA. Websites, websites everywhere: how thyroid cancer patients use the Internet. Journal of Cancer Education. 2020 Dec;35(6):1177-1183.
- A nationwide assessment of lifestyle medicine counseling: knowledge, attitudes, and confidence of Israeli senior family medicine residents
Malatskey L, Bar Zeev Y, Polak R, Tzuk-Onn A, Frank E. A nationwide assessment of lifestyle medicine counseling: knowledge, attitudes, and confidence of Israeli senior family medicine residents. BMC Family Practice. 2020 Dec;21(1):1-9.
- A fountain of knowledge? The quality of online resources for testicular cancer patients
Yeo S, Eigl B, Ingledew PA. A fountain of knowledge? The quality of online resources for testicular cancer patients. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2020 Aug;14(8):E363.
- Discussing elder abuse and neglect in undergraduate dental education: a commentary
Brondani M, Harjani MG, Alfawzan N, Alves CM, Wårdh I, Donnelly L. Discussing elder abuse and neglect in undergraduate dental education: a commentary. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect. 2020 Aug 7;32(4):399-408.
- Community as the teacher on issues of social responsibility, substance use, and queer health in dental education
Brondani M, Harjani M, Siarkowski M, Adeniyi A, Butler K, Dakelth S, Maynard R, Ross K, O’Dwyer C, Donnelly L. Community as the teacher on issues of social responsibility, substance use, and queer health in dental education. PloS one. 2020 Aug 14;15(8):e0237327.
- Hospital pharmacists understanding of available health literacy assessment tools and their perceived barriers for incorporation in patient education – a survey study
Chan S, Spina SP, Zuk DM, Dahri K. Hospital pharmacists understanding of available health literacy assessment tools and their perceived barriers for incorporation in patient education–a survey study. BMC Health Services Research. 2020 Dec;20(1):1-8.
- An analysis of the quality of thyroid cancer websites
Chang KL, Grubbs EG, Ingledew PA. An analysis of the quality of thyroid cancer websites. Endocrine Practice. 2019 Oct 1;25(10):1003-1011.
- Bright coaching: a randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of a developmental coach system to empower families of children with emerging developmental delay
Majnemer A, O’Donnell M, Ogourtsova T, Kasaai B, Ballantyne M, Cohen E, Collet JP, Dewan T, Elsabbagh M, Hanlon-Dearman A, Filliter JH. BRIGHT Coaching: A randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of a developmental coach system to empower families of children with emerging developmental delay. Frontiers in pediatrics. 2019 Aug 7;7:332.
- Analysis of 16 years of calls and emails to the options for sexual health sex sense information and referral service
Ferreira JM, Collins M, Palmqvist H, Pasquino N, Bahamondes L, Brotto LA. Analysis of 16 years of calls and emails to the Options for Sexual Health “Sex Sense” information and referral service. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. 2019 Apr 1;28(1):38-45.
- Quality of Online Resources for Pancreatic Cancer Patients.
De Groot L, Harris I, Regehr G, Tekian A, Ingledew PA. Quality of online resources for pancreatic cancer patients. Journal of Cancer Education. 2019 Apr;34(2):223-228.
- Internet health scams-developing a taxonomy and risk-of-deception assessment tool
Garrett B, Murphy S, Jamal S, MacPhee M, Reardon J, Cheung W, Mallia E, Jackson C. Internet health scams—Developing a taxonomy and risk‐of‐deception assessment tool. Health & Social Care in the Community. 2019 Jan;27(1):226-240.
- Malignant websites? analyzing the quality of prostate cancer education web resources
Kobes K, Harris IB, Regehr G, Tekian A, Ingledew PA. Malignant websites? Analyzing the quality of prostate cancer education web resources. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2018 Oct;12(10):344.
- Building new approaches to risk reduction with social networks and people who smoke illegal drugs from participatory community-based research
Jozaghi E, Buxton JA, Thomson E, Marsh S, Gregg D, Bouchard M. Building new approaches to risk reduction with social networks and people who smoke illegal drugs from participatory community-based research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 2018 Apr 23;17(1):1609406918771247.
- Airway diseases and health literacy (hl) measurement tools: a systematic review to inform respiratory research and practice
Shum J, Poureslami I, Wiebe D, Doyle-Waters MM, Nimmon L, FitzGerald JM, Canadian Airways Health Literacy Study Group. Airway diseases and health literacy (HL) measurement tools: a systematic review to inform respiratory research and practice. Patient education and counseling. 2018 Apr 1;101(4):596-618.
- Patient-targeted websites on overactive bladder: what are our patients reading?
Clancy AA, Hickling D, Didomizio L, Sanaee M, Shehata F, Zee R, Khalil H. Patient‐targeted websites on overactive bladder: What are our patients reading? Neurourology and urodynamics. 2018 Feb;37(2):832-841.
- Breast cancer screening in British Columbia: a guide to discussion with patients
Mar C, Sam J, Wilson C. Breast cancer screening in British Columbia: A guide to discussion with patients. BC Med J. 2018 Jan 1;60:20-26.
- Priorities for action
Poureslami I, Nimmon L, Rootman I, Fitzgerald MJ. Priorities for Action. Health Promotion International. 2017 Aug 1;32(4):743-754.
- Health literacy and chronic disease management: drawing from expert knowledge to set an agenda
Poureslami I, Nimmon L, Rootman I, Fitzgerald MJ. Health literacy and chronic disease management: drawing from expert knowledge to set an agenda. Health Promotion International. 2017 Aug 1;32(4):743-754.
- Finding a voice: participatory research with street-involved youth in the youth injection prevention project
Coser LR, Tozer K, Van Borek N, Tzemis D, Taylor D, Saewyc E, Buxton JA. Finding a voice: participatory research with street-involved youth in the youth injection prevention project. Health Promotion Practice. 2014 Sep;15(5):732-738.
- Factors affecting weight counseling attitudes and behaviors among us medical students
Rose AE, Frank E, Carrera JS. Factors affecting weight counseling attitudes and behaviors among US medical students. Academic Medicine. 2011 Nov 1;86(11):1463-1472.
- When they hear what we say: Ethical challenges in presenting research findings to the Huntington disease community
Bombard Y, Cox SM, Semaka A. When they hear what we say: Ethical challenges in presenting research findings to the Huntington disease community. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics. 2011 Sep;6(3):47-54.