Our Strategic Direction

CHES Vision

Promoting health through education scholarship.

CHES Mission

Serving the health needs of the people of British Columbia and beyond, through building and supporting scholarly communities and leaders in health professions education.

CHES’ Overarching Aspirational Objectives

  1. Provide international leadership in the development of new knowledge in health professional education through research and informed innovation.
  2. Build capacity in health professional education through mentorship of groups and individuals across the disciplines, the province, nationally, and internationally.
  3. Foster a culture of collaboration and scholarly thinking in health professional education across the disciplines, the province, nationally, and internationally.
  4. Support scholarly educational practice within the Faculty of Medicine and at UBC.

The Centre for Health Education Scholarship 2017 – 2024 Strategic Plan builds on CHES’ initial Strategic Plan, spanning from 2011 to 2016. This refreshed plan outlines the objectives, goals, and strategies that will serve to guide the mandate and decision making of the Centre over the coming years.

Note that this current plan has now been extended through 2024 (original end date of 2022), in anticipation of upcoming changes and recruitments to the CHES faculty complement. A formal, consultative strategic planning process for the Centre is expected to occur in 2025, with the launch of a refreshed plan to follow.