Publications by CHES Members on Classroom Based Learning:
- What did we teach; what did they learn?Pratt D. What did we teach; what did they learn?. Medical Teacher. 2024 Oct 2;46(10):1378.
- Classroom-Based Learning in an Academic Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Training Program
Dayan R, Quach TT, With S, Ubhi J, Ezzat H, Chen LY. Classroom-Based Learning in an Academic Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Training Program. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development. 2023 Oct;10:23821205231208790.
- Multiple cases in case-based learning: A qualitative description study
Perez A, Howey M, Green JL, Nóbrega MT, Kebbe M, Amin M, von Bergmann H, Ganatra S. Multiple cases in case‐based learning: A qualitative description study. European Journal of Dental Education. 2023 Feb 12.
- Academic half days, noon conferences and classroom-based education in postgraduate medical education: a scoping review
Chen LY, Quach TT, Dayan R, Giustini D, Teunissen PW. Academic half days, noon conferences and classroom-based education in postgraduate medical education: a scoping review. Canadian Medical Association Open Access Journal. 2023 May 1;11(3):E411-425.
- Review of Challenges to the Implementation of Competence by Design in Post-Graduate Medical Education: What Can Diagnostic Radiology Learn from the Experience of Other Specialty Disciplines?
Bentley H, Darras KE, Forster BB, Sedlic A, Hague CJ. Review of Challenges to the Implementation of Competence by Design in Post-Graduate Medical Education: What Can Diagnostic Radiology Learn from the Experience of Other Specialty Disciplines? Academic Radiology. 2022 Jan 31.
- Shining a Light Into the Black Box of Group Learning: Medical Students’ Experiences and Perceptions of Small Groups
Park C, Wu C, Regehr G. Shining a Light Into the Black Box of Group Learning: Medical Students’ Experiences and Perceptions of Small Groups. Academic Medicine. 2020 Jun 1;95(6):919-924.
- Problem-based learning in occupational therapy curriculum – implications and challenges
Avrech Bar M, Pade M, Jarus T, Gat S, Kaufman Cohen Y, Lipskaya-Velikovsky L. Problem-based learning in occupational therapy curriculum–implications and challenges. Disability and rehabilitation. 2018 Aug 14;40(17):2098-2104.
- Exploring the role of classroom-based learning in professional identity formation of family practice residents using the experiences, trajectories, and reifications framework
Chen LY, Hubinette MM. Exploring the role of classroom-based learning in professional identity formation of family practice residents using the experiences, trajectories, and reifications framework. Medical Teacher. 2017 Aug 3;39(8):876-882.
- Planning to avoid troubResidents’ views of the role of classroom-based learning in graduate medical education through the lens of academic half daysle in the operating room: experts’ formulation of the preoperative plan
Chen LY, McDonald JA, Pratt DD, Wisener KM, Jarvis-Selinger S. Residents’ views of the role of classroom-based learning in graduate medical education through the lens of academic half days. Academic Medicine. 2015 Apr 1;90(4):532-538.
- Concepts in critical thinking applied to caries risk assessment in dental education
Guzman‐Armstrong S, Warren JJ, Cunningham‐Ford MA, von Bergmann H, Johnsen DC. Concepts in critical thinking applied to caries risk assessment in dental education. Journal of dental education. 2014 Jun;78(6):914-920.
- Integrating issues of substance abuse and addiction into the predoctoral dental curriculum
Brondani MA, Pattanaporn K. Integrating issues of substance abuse and addiction into the predoctoral dental curriculum. Journal of Dental Education. 2013 Sep;77(9):1108-1117.
- A pharmacokinetics module taught within a pediatrics pharmacotherapy course
Gerber P, Carr R. A pharmacokinetics module taught within a pediatrics pharmacotherapy course. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2013 Aug 12;77(6).
- Implementation and evaluation of a novel research education rotation for royal college of physicians and surgeons emergency medicine residents
Abu-Laban RB, Jarvis-Selinger S, Newton L, Chung B. Implementation and evaluation of a novel research education rotation for Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons emergency medicine residents. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2013 Jul;15(4):233-236.
- A model for small-group problem-based learning in a large class facilitated by one instructor
Nicholl TA, Lou K. A model for small-group problem-based learning in a large class facilitated by one instructor. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2012 Aug 10;76(6).
- A Parisian-Style Salon Addressing Social Determinants of Health
Bainbridge L, Dharamsi S, Wood V. A Parisian-style salon addressing social determinants of health. Medical education. 2012 May;46(5):520-521.
- Problem-based learning tutors within medical curricula: an interprofessional analysis
Gingerich A, Mader H, Payne GW. Problem-based learning tutors within medical curricula: An interprofessional analysis. Journal of interprofessional care. 2012 Jan;26(1):69-70.
- Impact of problem-based learning in a large classroom setting: student perception and problem-solving skills
Klegeris A, Hurren H. Impact of problem-based learning in a large classroom setting: student perception and problem-solving skills. Advances in physiology education. 2011 Dec;35(4):408-415.
- A prospective randomized trial of content expertise versus process expertise in small group teaching
Peets AD, Cooke L, Wright B, Coderre S, McLaughlin K. A prospective randomized trial of content expertise versus process expertise in small group teaching. BMC medical education. 2010 Dec;10(1):1-6.
- Reflections on facilitating an interprofessional problem-based learning module
Newton C, Wood V. Reflections on facilitating an interprofessional problem-based learning module. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2009 Nov 1;23(6):672-675.
- Difficult incidents and tutor interventions in problem-based learning tutorials
Kindler P, Grant C, Kulla S, Poole G, Godolphin W. Difficult incidents and tutor interventions in problem‐based learning tutorials. Medical Education. 2009 Sep;43(9):866-873.