Publications by CHES Members on Interprofessional Care and Training:
- Effectiveness of interprofessional development of foundational lactation open education resourcesCampbell SH, Bernardes N, Tharmaratnam T, Willson M, Krebs C, Campbell K, Brophy M, Silva GO. Effectiveness of interprofessional development of foundational lactation open education resources. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. 2024 Oct 1;95:101603.
- Needs assessment for interprofessional education module on prevention and early detection of oral cancer among dental interns: a cross- sectional surveySujir N, Ahmed J, Ramakrishna A, Mohammed CA, Unnikrishnan B, Gilbert JH. Needs assessment for interprofessional education module on prevention and early detection of oral cancer among dental interns: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Oral Health. 2024 Nov 7;24(1):1351.
- Letter to the Editor: Best Practices on Public and Patient Involvement in Interprofessional Healthcare EducationFerreira RJ, Leal M, Mateus EF, Gosak L, Bosveld MH, Kline CC, PULPIT Consortium. Best Practices on Public and Patient Involvement in Interprofessional Healthcare Education. Health expectations: an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy. 2024 Oct;27(5):e70053.
- Family physicians’ perspectives on collaboration challenges between primary care and specialist care during the covid-19 pandemic in canada: a qualitative study
Moritz LR, Buote R, McKay M, Meredith L, Ryan D, Spencer S, Vaughan C, Hedden L, Lukewich J, Mathews M, Asghari S, Brown JB, Gill PS, Wong ER, Marshall EG. Family physicians’ perspectives on collaboration challenges between primary care and specialist care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: a qualitative study. SSM-Qualitative Research in Health. 2023 Dec 1;4:100338.
- Training for Collaborative Care: How Hospital Team Members View Pharmacy Students
Wilbur K, Pelletier T. Training for Collaborative Care: How Hospital Team Members View Pharmacy Students. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 2023 Jul 5;76(3):228-233.
- Pharmacist trainees narrow scope of interprofessional collaboration and communication in hospital practice
Wilbur K, Teunissen PW, Scheele F, Driessen EW, Yeung J, Pachev G. Pharmacist trainees narrow scope of interprofessional collaboration and communication in hospital practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2023 May 4;37(3):428-437.
- Reducing health provider stereotypes through undergraduate interprofessional education
Wilbur K, El-Awaisi A, El-Hajj MS. Reducing health provider stereotypes through undergraduate interprofessional education. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences. 2022 Dec 1;17(6):991-999.
- A systematic review of the use of simulation and reflection as summative assessment tools to evaluate student outcomes following interprofessional education activities
El-Awaisi A, Jaam M, Wilby KJ, Wilbur K. A systematic review of the use of simulation and reflection as summative assessment tools to evaluate student outcomes following interprofessional education activities. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2022 Jan 24:1-9.
- Interprofessional educators’ competencies, assessment, and training – IPEcat: protocol of a global consensus study
Paignon A, Schwärzler P, Kerry M, Stamm D, Bianchi M, Xyrichis A, Gilbert J, Cornwall J, Thistlethwaite J, Iwg-Ipecat, Huber M. Interprofessional educators’ competencies, assessment, and training–IPEcat: protocol of a global consensus study. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2021 Dec 5:1-5.
- Accreditation as a driver of interprofessional education: the Canadian experience
Azzam MB, Girard MA, Andrews C, Bilinski H, Connelly DM, Gilbert JH, Newton C, Grymonpre RE. Accreditation as a driver of interprofessional education: the Canadian experience. Human resources for health. 2022 Dec;20(1):1-11.
- Patients benefit from mentoring students in an interprofessional health mentors program: A contextual-developmental analysis
Kline CC, Riganti P, Moller-Hansen A, Godolphin W, Towle A. Patients benefit from mentoring students in an interprofessional health mentors program: A contextual-developmental analysis. Medical Teacher. 2022 Jan 6:1-7.
- Interprofessional education important for transition to interprofessional collaboration
Thistlethwaite J, Gilbert J, Anderson E. Interprofessional education important for transition to interprofessional collaboration. Medical education. 2022 May;56(5):585.
- Intersections of power: videoconferenced debriefing of a rural interprofessional simulation team by an urban interprofessional debriefing team
Dalinghaus K, Regehr G, Nimmon L. Intersections of power: videoconferenced debriefing of a rural interprofessional simulation team by an urban interprofessional debriefing team. Perspectives on Medical Education. 2021 Oct;10(5):286-292.
- Examining the Educational Value of Student-Run Clinics for Health Care Students
Huang K, Maleki M, Regehr G, McEwen H. Examining the educational value of student-run clinics for health care students. Academic Medicine. 2021 Jun 29;96(7):1021-1025.
- Macro and meso level influences on distributed integrated copd care delivery: a social network perspective
Hartford W, Asgarova S, MacDonald G, Berger M, Cristancho S, Nimmon L. Macro and meso level influences on distributed integrated COPD care delivery: a social network perspective. BMC Health Services Research. 2021 Dec;21(1):1-11.
- Interprofessional simulation education to enhance teamwork and communication skills among medical and nursing undergraduates using the TeamSTEPPS® framework
Mahmood LS, Mohammed CA, Gilbert JH. Interprofessional simulation education to enhance teamwork and communication skills among medical and nursing undergraduates using the TeamSTEPPS® framework. Medical Journal Armed Forces India. 2021 Feb 1;77:S42-48.
- Family physician perceptions of barriers and enablers to integrating a co-located clinical pharmacist in a medical clinic: A qualitative study
Medgyesi N, Reardon J, Leung L, Min J, Yuen J. Family physician perceptions of barriers and enablers to integrating a co-located clinical pharmacist in a medical clinic: A qualitative study. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2020 Nov 1;60(6):1021-1028.
- Appropriating and asserting power on inflammatory arthritis teams: A social network perspective
Hartford W, Backman C, Li LC, McKinnon A, Nimmon L. Appropriating and asserting power on inflammatory arthritis teams: a social network perspective. Health Expectations. 2020 Aug;23(4):813-824.
- The built environment and health: fostering interprofessional collaboration for better policy recommendations
Am C, Godinho MA, Murthy S, Manapure NH, Ramadevi N, Kinjawadekar A, Burdick W, Gilbert J, Fisher J, Vinod Bhat H. The built environment and health: fostering interprofessional collaboration for better policy recommendations. Journal of interprofessional care. 2020 May 3;34(3):414-417.
- Interprofessional education in radiation oncology
Winter IP, Ingledew PA, Golden DW. Interprofessional education in radiation oncology. Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2019 Jul 1;16(7):964-971.
- Integrating interprofessional education with needs-based health workforce planning to strengthen health systems
Tomblin Murphy G, Gilbert JH, Rigby J. Integrating interprofessional education with needs-based health workforce planning to strengthen health systems. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2019 Jul 4;33(4):343-346.
- The bc emergency medicine network: evaluation approach and early findings
Marsden J, Drebit S, Lindstrom RR, MacKinnon C, Archibald C, Abu-Laban RB, Eggers K, Ho K, Khazei A, Lund A, Martin E. The BC Emergency Medicine Network: Evaluation approach and early findings. British Columbia Medical Journal. 2019 May 1;61(4).
- Collaborative peer review process as an informal interprofessional learning tool: findings from an exploratory study
Kwon JY, Bulk LY, Giannone Z, Liva S, Chakraborty B, Brown H. Collaborative peer review process as an informal interprofessional learning tool: Findings from an exploratory study. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2018 Jan 2;32(1):101-103.
- Implementing a collaborative coaching intervention for professionals providing care to children and their families: an exploratory study
Tatla SK, Howard D, Antunes Silvestre A, Burnes S, Husson M, Jarus T. Implementing a collaborative coaching intervention for professionals providing care to children and their families: An exploratory study. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2017 Sep 3;31(5):604-612.
- Pulling together and pulling apart: influences of convergence and divergence on distributed healthcare teams.
Lingard L, Sue-Chue-Lam C, Tait GR, Bates J, Shadd J, Schulz V. Pulling together and pulling apart: influences of convergence and divergence on distributed healthcare teams. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2017 Dec;22(5):1085-1099.
- ‘who is on your health-care team?’ asking individuals with heart failure about care team membership and roles
LaDonna KA, Bates J, Tait GR, McDougall A, Schulz V, Lingard L, Heart Failure/Palliative Care Teamwork Research Group, Burge F, Burnett S, Harkness K, Marshall D. ‘Who is on your health‐care team?’Asking individuals with heart failure about care team membership and roles. Health Expectations. 2017 Apr;20(2):198-210.
- Measuring interprofessional competencies and attitudes among health professional students creating family planning virtual patient cases.
Wong E, Leslie JJ, Soon JA, Norman WV. Measuring interprofessional competencies and attitudes among health professional students creating family planning virtual patient cases. BMC medical education. 2016 Dec;16(1):1-9.
- Perceptions of Peer-to-Peer Interprofessional Feedback Among Students in the Health Professions
van Schaik SM, Regehr G, Eva KW, Irby DM, O’Sullivan PS. Perceptions of peer-to-peer interprofessional feedback among students in the health professions. Academic Medicine. 2016 Jun 1;91(6):807-812.
- Adaptive practices in heart failure care teams: implications for patient-centered care in the context of complexity
Tait GR, Bates J, LaDonna KA, Schulz VN, Strachan PH, McDougall A, Lingard L. Adaptive practices in heart failure care teams: implications for patient-centered care in the context of complexity. Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare. 2015;8:365.
- The Health Care Team Challenge™: Developing an international interprofessional education research collaboration
Newton C, Bainbridge L, Ball V, Baum K, Bontje P, Boyce R, Moran M, Richardson B, Tamura Y, Uden D, Wagner S. The Health Care Team Challenge [TM]: Developing an international interprofessional education research collaboration. Nurse education today. 2015;35(1):4-8.
- Implications of early workplace experiences on continuing interprofessional education for physicians and nurses
Veerapen K, Purkis ME. Implications of early workplace experiences on continuing interprofessional education for physicians and nurses. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2014 May 1;28(3):218-225.
- Interprofessional education in allied health: Is this yet another silo?
Bainbridge L. Interprofessional education in allied health: is this yet another silo? Medical Education. 2014 Mar;48(3):229-231.
- Patients as educators: interprofessional learning for patient-centred care
Towle A, Godolphin W. Patients as educators: interprofessional learning for patient-centred care. Medical Teacher. 2013 Mar 1;35(3):219-225.
- Health Care Team Challenges: an international review and research agenda
Newton C, Bainbridge L, Ball VA, Wood VI. Health Care Team Challenges: an international review and research agenda. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2013 Nov 1;27(6):529-531.
- Technology-enabled academic detailing: Computer-mediated education between pharmacists and physicians for evidence-based prescribing
Ho K, Nguyen A, Jarvis-Selinger S, Lauscher HN, Cressman C, Zibrik L. Technology-enabled academic detailing: computer-mediated education between pharmacists and physicians for evidence-based prescribing. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2013 Sep 1;82(9):762-771.
- Interprofessional – education, learning, practice and care
Gilbert JH. Interprofessional–Education, learning, practice and care. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2013 Jul 1;27(4):283-285.
- The power of prepositions: A taxonomy for interprofessional education
Bainbridge L, Wood VI. The power of prepositions: A taxonomy for interprofessional education. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2013 Mar 1;27(2):131-136.
- IN-2-THEORY – Interprofessional theory, scholarship and collaboration: A community of practice
Hean S, Anderson E, Bainbridge L, Clark PG, Craddock D, Doucet S, Hammick M, Mpofu R, O’Halloran C, Pitt R, Oandasan I. IN-2-THEORY–Interprofessional theory, scholarship and collaboration: A community of practice. Journal of Interprofessional care. 2013 Jan 1;27(1):88-90.
- An interprofessional web-based resource for health professions preceptors
Kassam R, McLeod E, Kwong M, Tidball G, Collins J, Neufeld L, Drynan D. An interprofessional web-based resource for health professions preceptors. American journal of pharmaceutical education. 2012 Nov 12;76(9).
- Can interprofessional collaboration provide health human resources solutions? A knowledge synthesis
Suter E, Deutschlander S, Mickelson G, Nurani Z, Lait J, Harrison L, Jarvis-Selinger S, Bainbridge L, Achilles S, Ateah C, Ho K. Can interprofessional collaboration provide health human resources solutions? A knowledge synthesis. Journal of interprofessional care. 2012 Jul 1;26(4):261-268.
- Problem-based learning tutors within medical curricula: an interprofessional analysis
Gingerich A, Mader H, Payne GW. Problem-based learning tutors within medical curricula: An interprofessional analysis. Journal of interprofessional care. 2012 Jan;26(1):69-70.
- Evaluation of a preoperative team briefing: a new communication routine results in improved clinical practice
Lingard L, Regehr G, Cartmill C, Orser B, Espin S, Bohnen J, Reznick R, Baker R, Rotstein L, Doran D. Evaluation of a preoperative team briefing: a new communication routine results in improved clinical practice. BMJ quality & safety. 2011 Jun 1;20(6):475-482.
- Electronic communities of practice: guidelines from a project
Ho K, Jarvis‐Selinger S, Norman CD, Li LC, Olatunbosun T, Cressman C, Nguyen A. Electronic communities of practice: guidelines from a project. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2010 Mar;30(2):139-143.
- The university of British Columbia model of interprofessional education
Charles G, Bainbridge L, Gilbert J. The University of British Columbia model of interprofessional education. Journal of interprofessional care. 2010 Jan 1;24(1):9-18.
- The road to collaboration: developing an interprofessional competency framework
Wood V, Flavell A, Vanstolk D, Bainbridge L, Nasmith L. The road to collaboration: Developing an interprofessional competency framework. Journal of interprofessional care. 2009 Nov 1;23(6):621-629.
- Interprofessional learning in the trenches: fostering collective capability
Soubhi H, Rege Colet N, Gilbert JH, Lebel P, Thivierge RL, Hudon C, Fortin M. Interprofessional learning in the trenches: fostering collective capability. Journal of interprofessional care. 2009 Jan 1;23(1):52-57.
- Reflections on facilitating an interprofessional problem-based learning module
Newton C, Wood V. Reflections on facilitating an interprofessional problem-based learning module. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2009 Nov 1;23(6):672-675.