Publications by CHES Members on Technology Enabled Learning:
- Utility of Virtual Sessions to Inform Medical Students About Radiation Oncology Residency ProgramsKriegler C, Widomska A, Duimering A, Ingledew PA. Utility of Virtual Sessions to Inform Medical Students about Radiation Oncology Residency Programs. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2024 Jul 15;119(4):e8-9.
- Evaluation of A Novel Virtual Reality Immersive Clinical Experience to Enhance Medical Education CurriculumLai M, Taheri K, Aziz R, Milaire P, Rothman Z, Shi K, Nazerali-Maitland A. Evaluation of a novel virtual reality immersive clinical experience to enhance medical education curriculum. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2024;15(3):107-109.
- Online case-based learning in medical education: a scoping review
Donkin R, Yule H, Fyfe T. Online case-based learning in medical education: a scoping review. BMC Medical Education. 2023 Aug 9;23(1):564.
- Exploring students’ perspectives from two Canadian dental schools toward online learning experiences
Maragha T, Dempster L, Shuler C, Lee V, Mendes V, von Bergmann H. Exploring students’ perspectives from two Canadian dental schools toward online learning experiences. Journal of Dental Education. 2023 Mar 27.
- Characteristics Assessment of Online YouTube Videos on Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer
Chai BS, Ingledew PA. Characteristics Assessment of Online YouTube Videos on Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer. Clinical Breast Cancer. 2023 Jun 1;23(4):e230-238.
- The #Tweetorial: an Underutilized Teaching Tool in Undergraduate Medical Education?
Tsang R, Pinder KE. The# Tweetorial: an Underutilized Teaching Tool in Undergraduate Medical Education? Medical Science Educator. 2023 Mar 7:1-5.
- Achieving CanMEDs competencies through virtual visiting electives
Saravanabavan S, Sivanand A, Hildebrand KJ. Achieving CanMEDs competencies through virtual visiting electives. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2023 Mar 21;14(1):125-127.
- Guidelines: The Do’s, Don’ts and Don’t Knows of Creating Open Educational Resources
Khalid F, Wu M, Ting DK, Thoma B, Haas MR, Brenner MJ, Yilmaz Y, Kim YM, Chan TM. Guidelines: The Do’s, Don’ts and Don’t Knows of Creating Open Educational Resources. Perspectives on Medical Education. 2023;12(1):25-40.
- Implementing and sustaining brief addiction medicine interventions with the support of a quality improvement blended-elearning course: learner experiences and meaningful outcomes in Kenya
Clair V, Atkinson K, Musau A, Mutiso V, Bosire E, Gitonga I, Small W, Ndetei D, Frank E. Implementing and Sustaining Brief Addiction Medicine Interventions with the Support of a Quality Improvement Blended-eLearning Course: Learner Experiences and Meaningful Outcomes in Kenya. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022 May 23:1-22.
- Blended-elearning impact on health worker stigma toward alcohol, tobacco, and other psychoactive substance users
Clair V, Rossa-Roccor V, Mutiso V, Rieder S, Musau A, Frank E, Ndetei D. Blended-eLearning Impact on Health Worker Stigma Toward Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Psychoactive Substance Users. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022 Dec;20(6):3438-3459.
- Blended-elearning improves alcohol use care in kenya: pragmatic randomized control trial results and parallel qualitative study implications
Clair V, Musau A, Mutiso V, Tele A, Atkinson K, Rossa-Roccor V, Bosire E, Ndetei D, Frank E. Blended-eLearning Improves Alcohol Use Care in Kenya: Pragmatic Randomized Control Trial Results and Parallel Qualitative Study Implications. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022 Dec;20(6):3410-3437.
- A systematic review of the use of simulation and reflection as summative assessment tools to evaluate student outcomes following interprofessional education activities
El-Awaisi A, Jaam M, Wilby KJ, Wilbur K. A systematic review of the use of simulation and reflection as summative assessment tools to evaluate student outcomes following interprofessional education activities. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2022 Jan 24:1-9.
- The role of spatial ability in mixed reality learning with the HoloLens
Ho S, Liu P, Palombo DJ, Handy TC, Krebs C. The role of spatial ability in mixed reality learning with the HoloLens. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2022 Jan 20.
- Effect of simulation on stress, anxiety, and self-confidence in nursing students: Systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression
Silva GO, e Oliveira FS, Coelho AS, Cavalcante AM, Vieira FV, Fonseca LM, Campbell SH, Aredes ND. Effect of simulation on stress, anxiety, and self-confidence in nursing students: Systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2022 May 24:104282.
- Building Personal Resilience following an Online Resilience Training Program for BScN Students
Stoliker BE, Vaughan AD, Collins J, Black M, Anderson GS. Building Personal Resilience following an Online Resilience Training Program for BScN Students. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2021 May 17:01939459211017240.
- The accessibility of virtual residency interviews: the good, the bad, the solutions
Hanes JE, Waserman JL, Clarke QK. The accessibility of virtual residency interviews: the good, the bad, the solutions. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2022 May;13(2):98.
- Effect of Simulation-based Training on Surgical Proficiency and Patient Outcomes: A Randomised Controlled Clinical and Educational Trial
Aydın A, Ahmed K, Abe T, Raison N, Van Hemelrijck M, Garmo H, Ahmed HU, Mukhtar F, Al-Jabir A, Brunckhorst O, Shinohara N. Effect of simulation-based training on surgical proficiency and patient outcomes: A randomised controlled clinical and educational trial. European urology. 2022 Apr 1;81(4):385-393.
- A proposed learning environment framework for virtual care
Liu J, Buckley H, Ho K, Hubinette M, Abdalkhani A, Holmes C, Nathoo N. A proposed learning environment framework for virtual care. Canadian Medical Education Journal/Revue canadienne de l’éducation médicale. 2021;12(6):28-34.
- Artificial intelligence meets clinical skills teaching
Stone R, Reel R, Farrell L. Artificial intelligence meets clinical skills teaching. Medical Education. 2021 Sep 5.
- Development of five online modules for teaching evidence-informed healthcare: the West coast Interprofessional Clinical Knowledge Evidence Disseminator (WICKED) Project
Dawes D, Rusticus S, Beck C, Dawes M, Mortenson B, Ross C, Greig A. Development of five online modules for teaching evidence-informed healthcare: the West coast Interprofessional Clinical Knowledge Evidence Disseminator (WICKED) Project. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. 2021 Oct 1;26(5):237-240.
- Building personal resilience following an online resilience training program for BScN students
Stoliker BE, Vaughan AD, Collins J, Black M, Anderson GS. Building Personal Resilience following an Online Resilience Training Program for BScN Students. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2021 May 17:01939459211017240.
- Usability assessment of an open-source simulated electronic medical record in pharmacy education
Min J, Ng R. Usability assessment of an open-source simulated electronic medical record in pharmacy education. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 2021 Aug 1;13(8):1046-1052.
- Social connectedness in virtual learning contexts
Buckley H, Nimmon L. Social connectedness in virtual learning contexts. The Clinical Teacher. 2020 Oct 13.
- Rapid Implementation and Evaluation of Virtual Health Training in a Subspecialty Hospital in British Columbia, in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hassani K, McElroy T, Coop M, Pellegrin J, Wu WL, Janke RD, Johnson LK. Rapid Implementation and Evaluation of Virtual Health Training in a Subspecialty Hospital in British Columbia, in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2021;9.
- Connecting a simulated virtual patient program with experiential practicums: perspectives from year three students
MacNeil K, Varga D, Gill S, Dahri K. Connecting a simulated virtual patient program with experiential practicums: Perspectives from year three students. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 2021 Apr 1;13(4):391-396.
- Virtual reality for intravenous placement in the emergency department-a randomized controlled trial
Goldman RD, Behboudi A. Virtual reality for intravenous placement in the emergency department—a randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Pediatrics. 2021 Mar;180(3):725-731.
- Good practices in harnessing social media for scholarly discourse, knowledge translation, and education
Lu D, Ruan B, Lee M, Yilmaz Y, Chan TM. Good practices in harnessing social media for scholarly discourse, knowledge translation, and education. Perspectives on medical education. 2021 Jan;10(1):23-32.
- Serious game e-baby familia: an educational technology for premature infant care
D’Agostini MM, Aredes ND, Campbell SH, Fonseca LM. Serious Game e-Baby Família: an educational technology for premature infant care. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem. 2020 Jun 24;73.
- Websites, Websites Everywhere: How Thyroid Cancer Patients Use the Internet
Chang K, Berthelet E, Grubbs E, Hamilton S, Karvat A, Tran E, Wu J, Ingledew PA. Websites, websites everywhere: how thyroid cancer patients use the Internet. Journal of Cancer Education. 2020 Dec;35(6):1177-1183.
- Virtual Dissection with Clinical Radiology Cases Provides Educational Value to First Year Medical Students
Darras KE, Forster BB, Spouge R, de Bruin AB, Arnold A, Nicolaou S, Hu J, Hatala R, van Merriënboer J. Virtual dissection with clinical radiology cases provides educational value to first year medical students. Academic Radiology. 2020 Nov 1;27(11):1633-1640.
- Social Media as a Learning Resource for Medical Students
Redmond CE, Crawford R, O’Neill DC, Lee MJ. Social media as a learning resource for medical students. Ir Med J. 2020 Apr 3;113(4):64.
- Remote assessment via video evaluation (RAVVE): a pilot study to trial video-enabled peer feedback on clinical performance.
Ho K, Yao C, Novak Lauscher H, Koehler BE, Shojania K, Jamal S, Collins D, Kherani R, Meneilly G, Eva K. Remote assessment via video evaluation (RAVVE): a pilot study to trial video-enabled peer feedback on clinical performance. BMC medical education. 2019 Dec;19(1):1-9.
- Integrated virtual and cadaveric dissection laboratories enhance first year medical students’ anatomy experience: a pilot study
Darras KE, Spouge R, Hatala R, Nicolaou S, Hu J, Worthington A, Krebs C, Forster BB. Integrated virtual and cadaveric dissection laboratories enhance first year medical students’ anatomy experience: a pilot study. BMC medical education. 2019 Dec;19(1):1-6.
- An analysis of the quality of thyroid cancer websites
Chang KL, Grubbs EG, Ingledew PA. An analysis of the quality of thyroid cancer websites. Endocrine Practice. 2019 Oct 1;25(10):1003-1011.
- Developing the evidence base for m-learning in undergraduate radiology education: identifying learner preferences for mobile apps
Darras KE, van Merriënboer JJ, Toom M, Roberson ND, de Bruin AB, Nicolaou S, Forster BB. Developing the evidence base for M-learning in undergraduate radiology education: identifying learner preferences for mobile apps. Canadian Association of Radiologists’ Journal. 2019 Aug;70(3):320-326.
- Ethical challenges related to patient involvement in health technology assessment
Vanstone M, Abelson J, Bidonde J, Bond K, Burgess R, Canfield C, Schwartz L, Tripp L. Ethical challenges related to patient involvement in health technology assessment. International journal of technology assessment in health care. 2019;35(4):253-256.
- A Reflection Upon the Impact of Early 21st-Century Technological Innovations on Medical School Admissions.
Hanson MD, Eva KW. A reflection upon the impact of early 21st-century technological innovations on medical school admissions. Academic Medicine. 2019 May 1;94(5):640-644.
- The bc emergency medicine network: evaluation approach and early findings
Marsden J, Drebit S, Lindstrom RR, MacKinnon C, Archibald C, Abu-Laban RB, Eggers K, Ho K, Khazei A, Lund A, Martin E. The BC Emergency Medicine Network: Evaluation approach and early findings. British Columbia Medical Journal. 2019 May 1;61(4).
- Quality of Online Resources for Pancreatic Cancer Patients.
De Groot L, Harris I, Regehr G, Tekian A, Ingledew PA. Quality of online resources for pancreatic cancer patients. Journal of Cancer Education. 2019 Apr;34(2):223-228.
- What Do Patients Talk About? A Qualitative Analysis of Online Chat Sessions with Health Care Specialists During a “Virtual” Cardiac Rehabilitation Program.
Mendell J, Bates J, Banner-Lukaris D, Horvat D, Kang B, Singer J, Ignaszewski A, Lear SA. What do patients talk about? A qualitative analysis of online chat sessions with health care specialists during a “virtual” cardiac rehabilitation program. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2019 Jan 1;25(1):71-78.
- Internet health scams-developing a taxonomy and risk-of-deception assessment tool
Garrett B, Murphy S, Jamal S, MacPhee M, Reardon J, Cheung W, Mallia E, Jackson C. Internet health scams—Developing a taxonomy and risk‐of‐deception assessment tool. Health & Social Care in the Community. 2019 Jan;27(1):226-240.
- Bridging the gap: an evaluation of self-paced online transition modules for advanced pharmacy practice experience students
Tchen P, Leung L, Simpson F, Kim-Sing A, Pearson ML. Bridging the gap: An evaluation of self-paced online transition modules for advanced pharmacy practice experience students. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 2018 Oct 1;10(10):1375-1383.
- Malignant websites? analyzing the quality of prostate cancer education web resources
Kobes K, Harris IB, Regehr G, Tekian A, Ingledew PA. Malignant websites? Analyzing the quality of prostate cancer education web resources. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2018 Oct;12(10):344.
- The participant recruitment outcomes (pro) study: exploring contemporary perspectives of telehealth trial non-participation through insights from patients, clinicians, study investigators, and study staff
Kandola DK, Banner D, Araki Y, Bates J, Hadi H, Lear SA. The Participant Recruitment Outcomes (PRO) study: Exploring contemporary perspectives of telehealth trial non-participation through insights from patients, clinicians, study investigators, and study staff. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. 2018 Sep 1;11:75-82.
- A randomized multicenter study assessing the educational impact of a computerized interactive hysterectomy trainer on gynecology residents
Lichtman AS, Parker W, Goff B, Mehra N, Shore EM, Lefebvre G, Chiang A, Lenihan Jr J, Schreuder HW. A randomized multicenter study assessing the educational impact of a computerized interactive hysterectomy trainer on gynecology residents. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. 2018 Sep 1;25(6):1035-1043.
- Clinical texting among medical trainees of the University of British Columbia
Guo D, Phan N, Ho K, Pawlovich J, Kitson N. Clinical texting among medical trainees of the University of British Columbia. Journal of cutaneous medicine and surgery. 2018 Jul;22(4):384-389.
- Patient-targeted websites on overactive bladder: what are our patients reading?
Clancy AA, Hickling D, Didomizio L, Sanaee M, Shehata F, Zee R, Khalil H. Patient‐targeted websites on overactive bladder: What are our patients reading? Neurourology and urodynamics. 2018 Feb;37(2):832-841.
- Building public health capacity through online global learning
Madhok R, Frank E, Heller R. Building public health capacity through online global learning. Open Praxis. 2018 Feb 22;10(1):91-97.
- From machines and screens to learning
Poole G, Chick N. From machines and screens to learning. Teaching & Learning Inquiry. 2017 Sep 25;5(2):1-2.
- Social Media in Health Science Education: An International Survey.
O’Sullivan E, Cutts E, Kavikondala S, Salcedo A, D’Souza K, Hernandez-Torre M, Anderson C, Tiwari A, Ho K, Last J. Social media in health science education: an international survey. JMIR Medical Education. 2017 Jan 4;3(1):e6304.
- Accuracy of spleen measurement by medical residents using hand-carried ultrasound
Arishenkoff S, Eddy C, Roberts JM, Chen L, Chang S, Nair P, Hatala R, Eva KW, Meneilly GS. Accuracy of spleen measurement by medical residents using hand‐carried ultrasound. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2015 Dec;34(12):2203-2207.
- Advancing social media in medical education
Davis WM, Ho K, Last J. Advancing social media in medical education. Cmaj. 2015 May 19;187(8):549-550.
- Using virtual reality in clinical practice: A multi-site exploratory study
Glegg S, Holsti L, Stanton S, Hanna S, Velikonja D, Ansley B, Sartor D, Brum C. Using virtual reality in clinical practice: A multi-site exploratory study. NeuroRehabilitation. 2014 Jan 1;35(3):563-577.
- How doctors view and use social media: a national survey
Brown J, Ryan C, Harris A. How doctors view and use social media: a national survey. Journal of medical Internet research. 2014 Dec 2;16(12):e3589.
- A novel integration of online and flipped classroom instructional models in public health higher education
Galway LP, Corbett KK, Takaro TK, Tairyan K, Frank E. A novel integration of online and flipped classroom instructional models in public health higher education. BMC medical education. 2014 Dec;14(1):1-9.
- Authors’ response to “Letter to the editor: Left to their own devices: medical learners’ use of mobile technologies”
Ellaway RH, Fink P, Graves L, Campbell A. Authors’ response to “Letter to the Editor: Left to their own devices: Medical learners’ use of mobile technologies”. Medical Teacher. 2014 Aug 1;36(8):738.
- Student and faculty member perspectives on lecture capture in pharmacy education
Marchand JP, Pearson ML, Albon SP. Student and faculty member perspectives on lecture capture in pharmacy education. American journal of pharmaceutical education. 2014 May 15;78(4).
- Emergency skills learning on video (ESLOV): A single-blinded randomized control trial of teaching common emergency skills using self-instruction video (SIV) versus traditional face-to-face (FTF) methods
Mohd Saiboon I, Jaafar MJ, Ahmad NS, Nasarudin NM, Mohamad N, Ahmad MR, Gilbert JH. Emergency skills learning on video (ESLOV): A single-blinded randomized control trial of teaching common emergency skills using self-instruction video (SIV) versus traditional face-to-face (FTF) methods. Medical teacher. 2014 Mar 1;36(3):245-250.
- Harnessing the social web for health and wellness: Issues for research and knowledge translation
Ho K. Harnessing the social web for health and wellness: issues for research and knowledge translation. Journal of medical Internet research. 2014 Feb 11;16(2):e2969.
- I feel disconnected: learning technologies in resident education
Armstrong AD, Jarvis-Selinger S. I feel disconnected: learning technologies in resident education. Instructional Course Lectures. 2013 Jan 1;62:577-586.
- Tangled in the breast cancer web: An evaluation of the usage of web-based information resources by breast cancer patients
Nguyen SK, Ingledew PA. Tangled in the breast cancer web: an evaluation of the usage of web-based information resources by breast cancer patients. Journal of Cancer Education. 2013 Dec;28(4):662-668.
- Technology-enabled academic detailing: Computer-mediated education between pharmacists and physicians for evidence-based prescribing
Ho K, Nguyen A, Jarvis-Selinger S, Lauscher HN, Cressman C, Zibrik L. Technology-enabled academic detailing: computer-mediated education between pharmacists and physicians for evidence-based prescribing. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2013 Sep 1;82(9):762-771.
- Technology-enhanced simulation to assess health professionals: a systematic review of validity evidence, research methods, and reporting quality
Cook DA, Brydges R, Zendejas B, Hamstra SJ, Hatala R. Technology-enhanced simulation to assess health professionals: a systematic review of validity evidence, research methods, and reporting quality. Academic Medicine. 2013 Jun 1;88(6):872-883.
- An interprofessional web-based resource for health professions preceptors
Kassam R, McLeod E, Kwong M, Tidball G, Collins J, Neufeld L, Drynan D. An interprofessional web-based resource for health professions preceptors. American journal of pharmaceutical education. 2012 Nov 12;76(9).
- Comparative effectiveness of technology-enhanced simulation versus other instructional methods: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Cook DA, Brydges R, Hamstra SJ, Zendejas B, Szostek JH, Wang AT, Erwin PJ, Hatala R. Comparative effectiveness of technology-enhanced simulation versus other instructional methods: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Simulation in Healthcare. 2012 Oct 1;7(5):308-320.
- Effectiveness of the computer enhanced visual learning method in teaching the society for fetal urology hydronephrosis grading system for urology trainees
Marks A, Maizels M, Mickelson J, Yerkes E, Herndon CA, Lane J, Ben-Ami T, Maizels E, Stoltz RS, Dixon S, Liu D. Effectiveness of the computer enhanced visual learning method in teaching the society for fetal urology hydronephrosis grading system for urology trainees. Journal of Pediatric Urology. 2011 Apr 1;7(2):113-117.
- Metacognitive practice makes perfect: improving students’ self-assessment skills with an intelligent tutoring system
Roll I, Aleven V, McLaren BM, Koedinger KR. Metacognitive practice makes perfect: Improving students’ self-assessment skills with an intelligent tutoring system. International conference on artificial intelligence in education 2011 Jun 28 (pp. 288-295). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Remote hands-on interactive medical education: video feedback for medical students
Ho K, Gingerich A, Shen N, Voyer S, Weerasinghe C, Snadden D. Remote hands-on interactive medical education: video feedback for medical students. Medical Education. 2011 May 1;45(5):522-523.
- Technology-enhanced simulation for health professions education: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Cook DA, Hatala R, Brydges R, Zendejas B, Szostek JH, Wang AT, Erwin PJ, Hamstra SJ. Technology-enhanced simulation for health professions education: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Jama. 2011 Sep 7;306(9):978-988.
- Lights, camera, surgery: a novel pilot project to engage medical students in the development of pediatric surgical learning resources
Kwan K, Wu C, Duffy D, Masterson J, Blair GK. Lights, camera, surgery: a novel pilot project to engage medical students in the development of pediatric surgical learning resources. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2011 May 1;46(5):962-965.
- Electronic communities of practice: guidelines from a project
Ho K, Jarvis‐Selinger S, Norman CD, Li LC, Olatunbosun T, Cressman C, Nguyen A. Electronic communities of practice: guidelines from a project. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2010 Mar;30(2):139-143.
- Computer enhanced visual learning method to train urology residents in pediatric orchiopexy provided a consistent learning experience in a multi-institutional trial
McQuiston L, MacNeily A, Liu D, Mickelson J, Yerkes E, Chaviano A, Roth D, Stoltz RS, Herz DB, Maizels M. Computer enhanced visual learning method to train urology residents in pediatric orchiopexy provided a consistent learning experience in a multi-institutional trial. The Journal of urology. 2010 Oct;184(4S):1748-1753.
- Bringing electronic patient records into health professional education: software architecture and implementation
Joe RS, Kushniruk AW, Borycki EM, Armstrong B, Otto T, Ho K. Bringing electronic patient records into health professional education: Software architecture and implementation. Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe 2009 (pp. 888-892). IOS Press.
- A transformation in health sciences education: a description of health sciences online
Frank E, Nimalasuriya K, Tairyan K, Grajales III FJ, Segura C, Wruck M. A Transformation in Health Sciences Education: A Description of Health Sciences Online. Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe 2009 (pp. 992-996). IOS Press.
- Innovation in the North: are health service providers ready for the uptake of an internet-based chronic disease management platform?
Tillotson S, Lear S, Araki Y, Horvat D, Prkachin K, Bates J, Balka E. Innovation in the North: are health service providers ready for the uptake of an internet-based chronic disease management platform? Advances in Information Technology and Communication in Health 2009 (pp. 472-477). IOS Press.
- The impact of a personal digital assistant (PDA) case log in a medical student clerkship
Ho K, Lauscher HN, Broudo M, Jarvis-Selinger S, Fraser J, Hewes D, Scott I. The impact of a personal digital assistant (PDA) case log in a medical student clerkship. Teaching and learning in medicine. 2009 Oct 26;21(4):318-326.
- Pathology in the era of web 2.0
Schreiber WE, Giustini DM. Pathology in the era of Web 2.0. American journal of clinical pathology. 2009 Dec 1;132(6):824-828.
- Online knowledge networking what leaders need to know
MacPhee M, Suryaprakash N, Jackson C. Online knowledge networking: what leaders need to know. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration. 2009 Oct 1;39(10):415-422.
- Improving healthcare consumer effectiveness: an animated, self-serve, web-based research tool (answer) for people with early rheumatoid arthritis
Li LC, Adam P, Townsend AF, Stacey D, Lacaille D, Cox S, McGowan J, Tugwell P, Sinclair G, Ho K, Backman CL. Improving healthcare consumer effectiveness: An An imated, S elf-serve, We b-based R esearch Tool (ANSWER) for people with early rheumatoid arthritis. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2009 Dec;9(1):1-6.
- Creating online histology study tools for medical/dental students at the university of British Columbia (UBC)
Korj O, Lin C, Pinder K, Ovalle WK, Walters R, Yule H. Creating online Histology study tools for Medical/Dental students at the University of British Columbia (UBC). The FASEB Journal. 2009 Apr;23:478-5.