Students’ social networks are diverse, dynamic and deliberate when transitioning to clinical training
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Exploring the perceived educational impact of COVID-19 on postgraduate training in oncology: impact of self-determination and resilience
Giuliani M, Samoil D, Agarwal A, Croke J, Golden DW, Hirsch AE, Jimenez R, Malik NH, Papadakos J, Wu CH, Ingledew PA. Exploring the perceived educational impact of COVID-19 on postgraduate training in oncology: impact of self-determination and resilience. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2021 Feb;12(1):e180.
Psychological Well-Being Among Informal Caregivers in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging: Why the Location of Care Matters
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The Influence of Relationship-Centered Coaching on Physician Perceptions of Peer Review in the Context of Mandated Regulatory Practices
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Surgical training in the midst of a pandemic: a distributed general surgery residency program’s response to COVID-19
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Radiation oncology resident and program director perceptions of the job market and impact on well-being
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Disabled healthcare professionals’ diverse, embodied, and socially embedded experiences
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Medical student psychological distress and mental illness relative to the general population: a Canadian cross-sectional survey
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Exploring the Construct of Psychological Safety in Medical Education.
Hsiang-Te Tsuei S, Lee D, Ho C, Regehr G, Nimmon L. Exploring the construct of psychological safety in medical education. Academic Medicine. 2019 Nov 1;94(11S):S28-35.
The Line
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