Provider Health and Wellness

Perception of Medical Student Mistreatment: Does Specialty Matter?

O’Brien KE, Mechaber AJ, Ledford CH, Klocksieben FA, Fagan MJ, Harrell HE, Kaib S, Elnicki M, Van Deusen R, Moerdler S, Jagsi R. Perception of medical student mistreatment: does specialty matter? Academic medicine. 2022 Jan 26;97(2):247-253.

Psychological Well-Being Among Informal Caregivers in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging: Why the Location of Care Matters

Lee Y, Bierman A, Penning M. Psychological well-being among informal caregivers in the Canadian longitudinal study on aging: why the location of care Matters. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. 2020 Dec;75(10):2207-2218.