The tip of the iceberg: Generalism in undergraduate medical education, a systems thinking analysis
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Laying train tracks en route: How institutional education leaders navigate complexity during mandated curriculum change
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Assessing the Landscape in Medical Education Literature in Medical Oncology: A Scoping Review
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Exposure is more than distance or time: the evolution of competence-based medical education in radiation oncology training
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Interpersonal energy: new and bold directions in palliative care health professions education research
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Teledentistry content in Canadian dental and dental hygiene curricula
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Competence By Design: a transformational national model of time-variable competency-based postgraduate medical education
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Essential anatomy for core clerkships: A clinical perspective
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Knowledge and Perceptions of Competency-Based Medical Education in Diagnostic Radiology Post-Graduate Medical Education: Identifying Priorities and Developing a Framework for Professional Development Activities
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Preparedness of Residents and Medical Students for the Transition to Competence by Design in Diagnostic Radiology Post-Graduate Medical Education
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