Accreditation as a driver of interprofessional education: the Canadian experience
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Factor Structure Analysis of Pharmacy Students’ Performance on the Health Education Learning Environment Survey
Rusticus S, Albon S. Factor Structure Analysis of Pharmacy Students’ Performance on the Health Education Learning Environment Survey. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2022 Aug 1;86(6).
The Advice Given During Near-Peer Interactions Before and After Curriculum Change
Huang K, Mak D, Hafferty FW, Eva KW. The Advice Given During Near-Peer Interactions Before and After Curriculum Change. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2022 Aug 8;34(4):351-359.
COVID-19 Effects on Medical Education: A Viral Transfer of Knowledge to Radiation Oncology
Campbell SR, Castillo R, Lalani N, Ingledew PA. COVID-19 Effects on Medical Education: A Viral Transfer of Knowledge to Radiation Oncology. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2022 Jul 15;113(4):705-713.
Barriers and facilitators for Indigenous students and staff in health and human services educational programs
Joy-Correll K, Nevill E, Bird-Matheson H, McLennan H, Quinn A, Mayer Y, Jarus T. Barriers and facilitators for Indigenous students and staff in health and human services educational programs. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2022 May;27(2):501-520.
Exploring factors that influence student engagement in community-engaged learning activities within a pharmacy context
Fang KM, Lau GC, Park JY, Tchen P. Exploring Factors That Influence Student Engagement in Community-Engaged Learning Activities Within a Pharmacy Context. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2022 Apr 1;86(4).
Exploring student perceptions of the learning environment in four health professions education programs
Rusticus SA, Wilson D, Jarus T, O’Flynn-Magee K, Albon S. Exploring student perceptions of the learning environment in four health professions education programs. Learning environments research. 2022 Apr;25(1):59-73.
Contributing to the hidden curriculum: exploring the role of residents and newly graduated physicians
MacNeil KA, Regehr G, Holmes CL. Contributing to the hidden curriculum: exploring the role of residents and newly graduated physicians. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2022 Mar;27(1):201-213.
Perception of Medical Student Mistreatment: Does Specialty Matter?
O’Brien KE, Mechaber AJ, Ledford CH, Klocksieben FA, Fagan MJ, Harrell HE, Kaib S, Elnicki M, Van Deusen R, Moerdler S, Jagsi R. Perception of medical student mistreatment: does specialty matter? Academic medicine. 2022 Jan 26;97(2):247-253.
A systematic review of evidence-based practices for clinical education and health care delivery in the clinical teaching unit
Tang B, Sandarage R, Chai J, Dawson KA, Dutkiewicz KR, Saad S, Kitchin V, Hatala R, McCormick I, Kassen B. A systematic review of evidence-based practices for clinical education and health care delivery in the clinical teaching unit. CMAJ. 2022 Feb 14;194(6):E186-194.