Advancing the literature on designing audit and feedback interventions: identifying theory-informed hypotheses
Colquhoun HL, Carroll K, Eva KW, Grimshaw JM, Ivers N, Michie S, Sales A, Brehaut JC. Advancing the literature on designing audit and feedback interventions: identifying theory-informed hypotheses. Implementation Science. 2017 Dec;12(1):1-10.
A randomised trial of the influence of racial stereotype bias on examiners’ scores, feedback and recollections in undergraduate clinical exams
Yeates P, Woolf K, Benbow E, Davies B, Boohan M, Eva K. A randomised trial of the influence of racial stereotype bias on examiners’ scores, feedback and recollections in undergraduate clinical exams. BMC medicine. 2017 Dec;15(1):1-11.
Staging a performance: learners’ perceptions about direct observation during residency
LaDonna KA, Hatala R, Lingard L, Voyer S, Watling C. Staging a performance: learners’ perceptions about direct observation during residency. Medical education. 2017 May;51(5):498-510.
Reporting and design elements of audit and feedback interventions: a secondary review
Colquhoun H, Michie S, Sales A, Ivers N, Grimshaw JM, Carroll K, Chalifoux M, Eva K, Brehaut J. Reporting and design elements of audit and feedback interventions: a secondary review. BMJ quality & safety. 2017 Jan 1;26(1):54-60.
Investigating conditions for meaningful feedback in the context of an evidence-based feedback programme
Voyer S, Cuncic C, Butler DL, MacNeil K, Watling C, Hatala R. Investigating conditions for meaningful feedback in the context of an evidence‐based feedback programme. Medical Education. 2016 Sep;50(9):943-954.
Feedback and the educational alliance: examining credibility judgements and their consequences
Telio S, Regehr G, Ajjawi R. Feedback and the educational alliance: examining credibility judgements and their consequences. Medical Education. 2016 Sep;50(9):933-942.
Perceptions of Peer-to-Peer Interprofessional Feedback Among Students in the Health Professions
van Schaik SM, Regehr G, Eva KW, Irby DM, O’Sullivan PS. Perceptions of peer-to-peer interprofessional feedback among students in the health professions. Academic Medicine. 2016 Jun 1;91(6):807-812.
An autoethnographic exploration of the use of goal oriented feedback to enhance brief clinical teaching encounters
Farrell L, Bourgeois-Law G, Ajjawi R, Regehr G. An autoethnographic exploration of the use of goal oriented feedback to enhance brief clinical teaching encounters. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2017 Mar;22(1):91-104.
Meaningful Feedback in Medical Education: Challenging the “Failure to Fail” Using Narrative Methodology
McConnell MM, Harms S, Saperson K. Meaningful feedback in medical education: challenging the “failure to fail” using narrative methodology. Academic Psychiatry. 2016 Apr;40(2):377-379.
Does source matter? Nurses’ and Physicians’ perceptions of interprofessional feedback
van Schaik SM, O’Sullivan PS, Eva KW, Irby DM, Regehr G. Does source matter? Nurses’ and physicians’ perceptions of interprofessional feedback. Medical education. 2016 Feb;50(2):181-188.