An undergraduate medical curriculum framework for providing care to transgender and gender diverse patients: A modified Delphi study
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Transforming Disruption Into Innovation: A Partnership Between the COVID-19 Medical Student Response Team and the University of British Columbia
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Using Individual Residents’ Learning Trajectories to Better Understand the Impact of Gaps in Practice
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The praxis of generalism in family medicine: Six concepts (6 Cs) to inform teaching
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Tensions in describing competency-based medical education: a study of Canadian key opinion leaders
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Adaptations to general surgery resident education in response to COVID-19
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Social connectedness in virtual learning contexts
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Rapid Implementation and Evaluation of Virtual Health Training in a Subspecialty Hospital in British Columbia, in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Stepping out of the shadows: Creating a graphic novella to address bullying in nursing education
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Connecting a simulated virtual patient program with experiential practicums: perspectives from year three students
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