Adventure: A Metaphor to Invigorate Teaching and Learning in Unprecedented Times
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The fear of letting go and the Ivory Tower of dental educational training
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An open letter from Syrian to Ukrainian war-displaced medical students
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Technical Difficulties: Teaching Critical Philosophical Orientations toward Technology
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The Inception of the Canadian Medical Student Interest Group in Neurosurgery (CaMSIGN): A Student-Led Platform Dedicated to Neurosurgical Education, Research, Mentorship, and Advocacy
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Virtual Care in CanMEDS 2025
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The next frontier of acute care general surgery: fellowship training
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Implementing and sustaining brief addiction medicine interventions with the support of a quality improvement blended-elearning course: learner experiences and meaningful outcomes in Kenya
Clair V, Atkinson K, Musau A, Mutiso V, Bosire E, Gitonga I, Small W, Ndetei D, Frank E. Implementing and Sustaining Brief Addiction Medicine Interventions with the Support of a Quality Improvement Blended-eLearning Course: Learner Experiences and Meaningful Outcomes in Kenya. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022 May 23:1-22.
Blended-elearning impact on health worker stigma toward alcohol, tobacco, and other psychoactive substance users
Clair V, Rossa-Roccor V, Mutiso V, Rieder S, Musau A, Frank E, Ndetei D. Blended-eLearning Impact on Health Worker Stigma Toward Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Psychoactive Substance Users. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022 Dec;20(6):3438-3459.
Blended-elearning improves alcohol use care in kenya: pragmatic randomized control trial results and parallel qualitative study implications
Clair V, Musau A, Mutiso V, Tele A, Atkinson K, Rossa-Roccor V, Bosire E, Ndetei D, Frank E. Blended-eLearning Improves Alcohol Use Care in Kenya: Pragmatic Randomized Control Trial Results and Parallel Qualitative Study Implications. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022 Dec;20(6):3410-3437.