Past Invited Speaker Rounds

CHES Members have access to the Invited Speaker Rounds and the Joanna Bates Lectureship videos for the current academic year via the Members’ Resources page. If you would like to view a video from previous years, please send a request to

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Date Speaker Topic/Title
May 14, 2024 William Bynum Peering through the ontological windows of shame: What this emotion reveals about being and becoming in medicine
April 9, 2024 Renee Stalmeijer Do you see what I see? Challenging intraprofessional workplace-based education norms
March 12, 2024 Jacqueline Torti What’s Character Got to Do With it? Exploring Leadership in the Health Professions
November 14, 2023 Zubin Austin If Competency is the Answer… Have We Asked the Right Question?
October 10, 2023 Aliya Kassam Acknowledging a Holistic Framework for Health Professions Education (HPE) Learner Wellbeing: Intersections of Moral Philosophy and Population Health
June 20, 2023 Betty Onyura Can we Spark an Evaluation Revival? The Case for Downscaling Routines and Upscaling Principles
May 9, 2023 Lara Varpio Professional Identity Formation as Immigration
April 11, 2023 Rich Mayer Evidence-Based Principles for Designing Multimedia Instruction
December 13, 2022 Kori LaDonna Rejecting the Imposter label: Workplace Discrimination & The Perceived Competence of Women in Medicine
November 8, 2022 Tasha Wyatt Time as Social Capital: The Reproduction of Classism in Medical Education
April 12, 2022 Neera Jain The Capability Imperative: Revealing Ableism in Medical Education
March 8, 2022 Martina Ann Kelly Body of Knowledge – Interpreting Touch in Medicine
February 8, 2022 Javeed Sukhera Exploring and Supporting Sensitive Conversations about Bias in Health Professions Education
March 9, 2021 Paula Rowland The Future of the Professions: Implications for Health Professions Education
February 9, 2021 Douglas Larsen Peeling Back the Layers: Examining our Assumptions About Learning in Education Practice and Research
December 8, 2020 Larry Gruppen Conceptualizing and Researching the Learning Environment: Challenges of Scale, Valence, and Definition
October 13, 2020 Teresa Chan Digitizing Health Professions Education via Social Media
February 19, 2020 Kerry Wilbur Multisource Feedback in Competency-Based Education
December 11, 2019 Taryn Taylor The Fatigue Paradox: Exploring Fatigue as a Social Construct Across the Medical Education Continuum
November 20, 2019 Anna MacLeod (People), Places, and Things: Insights from Sociomaterial Studies of Medical Education
October 16, 2019 Martin Pusic Systematic Practice Makes Perfect: A Discussion of Better Ways to Learn Visual Diagnosis
June 19, 2019 Angela Towle & Darren Lauscher Shaping Hearts and Minds: Patient and Community Engagement in Health Professional Education
May 15, 2019 Stella Ng Teaching and Assessing Critical Reflection: What, Why, and How?
April 17, 2019 Lawrence Lo Medical Clerks’ Understanding and Management of Directed Questioning
March 20, 2019 Sue Murphy Teaching Professionalism: Why Don’t We Practice What We Preach?
February 20, 2019 Karen Hauer Trust as the Basis for Assessment of Clinical Trainees in the Workplace: Optimizing Supervision, Learning and Fairness
January 16, 2019 Anthony R. Artino, Jr. Lies, Damned Lies, and Surveys
December 12, 2018 Ali Walzak The Overnight Experience: A Deeper Look at Fatigue in the Medical Workplace
November 14, 2018 Anna Ryann Innovations in Course Wide Assessment for Learning
October 17, 2018 Courtney Broten Negotiating Learner Participation in Care: An Exploration of what Enables and Disables Practice
September 19, 2018 Ian Scott Beyond “Driving”: On the Nuanced Relationship Between Assessment and Learning
June 20, 2018 Katherine Wisener Incentivizing Medical Teachers: Exploring the Role of Incentives in Influencing Motivations
May 16, 2018 HsingChi von Bergmann Designing & Implementing the First North American Formative Progress Survey System in Dentistry
April 18, 2018 James Tessaro Transition to Practice: Colleagues Replace Supervisors as Fundamental Supports
March 21, 2018 Meredith Young Clinical Reasoning in the Health Professions
February 21, 2018 Gisèle Bourgeois-Law Re-conceptualizing Remediation in Practicing Physicians
January 17, 2018 Sayra Cristancho Untangling Complex Clinical Situations: A Case for Systems Thinking in Medical Education
December 13, 2017 Mahan Kulasegaram Beyond Merely Formative: Expanding Our Conceptualization of Assessment for Learning
November 15, 2017 Oscar Casiro Insights on Governance and its Stealthy Role in Medical Education
October 18, 2017 Pim Teunissen The Role of Transitions in Learning
September 20, 2017 Anneke van Enk Conducting and Reporting on HPE Research: Can we Engage BOTH Scholarly and Practical Interests?
June 21, 2017 Renate Kahlke The Social and Cultural Dimensions of Putting Knowledge into Practice
May 17, 2017 Matthew Lineberry Digital Coaching: Learner-adaptive Technology to Support and Optimize Life-long Learning in Healthcare
April 19, 2017 Kenneth E. Sharpe Designing for Wisdom: How Doctors can be Educated to have the Will and the Skill Needed to do the Right Thing
March 15, 2017 Mark Goldszmidt Doing Research at the Intersection of Patient Care, Supervision and Teaching: Lessons Learned Along the Way
February 15, 2017 Simon Albon Completing the cycle: Dissemination of educational research as a Threshold Concept in Pharmaceutical Sciences
January 18, 2017 Claire Touchie Competency-based Medical Education: Are we Delivering on the Promises?
December 14, 2016 Glenn Regehr The Dangerous Pursuit of Independence
November 16, 2016 Mercedes Chan Down the Rabbit Hole: Exploring Professional Identity Formation in Doctors who Pursue Additional Training
October 19, 2016 Chris Lovato More than Doctors: How Does an Undergrad Medical Program Benefit a Community?
September 21, 2016 Nicole Woods Cognition Before Curriculum: Insights on Basic Science Integration
June 15, 2016 Paris-Ann Ingledew Navigating the Internet to Improve Patient and Physician Collaboration
May 18, 2016 John Norcini The Case for National Assessment Programs: A Relationship with Quality of Care
April 27, 2016 Laura Nimmon Destigmatizing the Taboo of Power in Medical Education: Insights from Empirical Investigations across Sociocultural Contexts
March 16, 2016 Andrea Gingerich Violated Assumptions: A Story of Trusting Conflicting Assessment Judgments
February 17, 2016 Peter Nugus Making Work-based Learning Visible: Challenges and Opportunities of Ethnography in Health Professions Education
January 20, 2016 Cary Cuncic How Continuity Relationships Between Preceptors and Students Enhance Student Learning and Growth: Lessons from Preceptors in a Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship
December 9, 2015 Laura Farrell ‘What is my Goal?’ Exploring Goal Oriented Feedback in Brief Clinical Teaching Encounters
November 18, 2015 Jill Thistlethwaite IPE & Collaborative Practice – ‘Outer the Past and Inter the Future’
October 28, 2015 Kevin Eva What Learning to Diagnose Pneumonia can Teach us About Judging Competence in the Health Professions
September 23, 2015 Nigel King Still Going “Back to the Things Themselves”: The Value of Considering Personal Experience in Health Professional Education Research
June 17, 2015 Luke Chen Academic Half Days in Residency: Blurring the Boundaries Between Formal and Informal Learning
May 20, 2015 Summer Telio Exploring the “Educational Alliance”: The Place of Relationship in the Negotiation of Feedback
April 15, 2015 Marion Bogo Exploring Meta-competency and Performance: Links Between Feeling, Thinking, and Doing
March 18, 2015 Anna Cianciolo What to Teach Health Professionals? A Human-centered Systems Engineering Perspective
February 18, 2015 Cheryl Holmes Reflecting on Choices in Early Professional Identity Formation
January 21, 2015 Jonathan Sherbino Reframing Diagnostic Error: Maybe it’s Content, and not Process, that Leads to Error
December 10, 2014 Marion Pearson Curriculum Integration: Faculty and Student Perspectives
November 19, 2014 Brett Schrewe The CTU, Conversationally Speaking: The Clinical Teaching Unit as a Creatively Tense Union
October 15, 2014 Cynthia Whitehead Playing the Part: Does Constructing Competency as Roles Mask Important Values?
September 17, 2014 Joanna Bates Exploring the Dark Matter of Context in Health Professions Education
June 16, 2014 Maria Hubinette Rethinking Health Advocacy
April 16, 2014 Chris Watling Cognition, Culture and Credibility: Deconstructing Feedback in Medical Education
April 10, 2014 (Special Edition) Anna MacLeod Neither Here nor There: Thinking Critically about Distributed Medical Education
April 7, 2014 (Special Edition) Laura Nimmon Situating Health Professions Education Research Within Social Contexts: A Qualitative Researcher’s Journey
March 19, 2014 Kiran Veerapen Interprofessional Learning & Collaborative Practice – Gaps and Links
February 19, 2014 Robin Hopkins The Implications of Integrating Basic and Clinical Sciences in Medical Education
January 29, 2014 (Special Edition) Gary Poole Approaching Self-directed Learning as a Challenging Three-piece Puzzle: Exploring Cognition, Motivation, and Emotion
January 15, 2014 Sarah Dobson “So You Want my Resident to Take on Big Tobacco Between Cases?” Difficulties Conceptualizing the Health Advocate Role
December 11, 2013 Bridget O’Brien Leveling the Playing Field: How Team Members Use Information to Alter the Balance of Power in Outpatient Teams
November 20, 2013 Rola Ajjawi Learning Clinical Skills During Bedside Teaching Encounters in General Practice
October 16, 2013 Pim Teunissen Scanning the Landscape of Research on Practice-based Learning in Medicine
June 17, 2013 Claudia Ruitenberg A Philosopher Walks into a Centre for Health Education Scholarship…
May 15, 2013 Tina Martimianakis Breaking the Huddle: When Does Professional Expertise Trump Interprofessional Collaboration?
April 17, 2013 Deborah Butler Self-regulation in the Development of Professionals
March 20, 2013 David Cook Validity Arguments for Learner Assessments: Could the Evidence Convince a Jury?
February 20, 2013 Terese Stenfors-Hayes The Physician’s Two Solitudes of Teaching
January 16, 2013 Maria Mylopolous Revisiting the Role of Knowledge in Expert Development and Practice
December 12, 2012 Leslie Bainbridge Interprofessional Collaboration: A New Lens on an Old Topic
November 21, 2012 Heather Frost “I AM a Doctor”: The Implications of the Discourses of Standardization and Diversity for Professional Identity Formation
October 17, 2012 Ravi Sidhu Assessing Doctors in Action: Problems with Meeting a Political Mandate
September 19, 2012 Meghan McConnell The Importance of Emotion in the Acquisition and Transfer of Clinical Skills and Knowledge
June 20, 2012 David Irby Increasing Our Understanding of the Components of Successful Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships
May 9, 2012 Georges Bordage Promoting Clinical Reasoning Through a Hypothesis-Driven Physical Examination: Anticipating, Eliciting & Interpreting Physical Findings
April 25, 2012 Oliver Applegarth Passing Gas and Knowledge: Education in Anesthesia
March 21, 2012 Dan Pratt Pedagogical Profiles in the Health Professions: Do Differences Matter?
February 15, 2012 Geoff Norman The Role of Experience in Clinical Reasoning
January 18, 2012 Stephane Voyer Beyond the “Sandwich”: Reconceptualizing Feedback in Clinical Education
December 14, 2011 Sioban Nelson Health Professional Mobility and Continued Competency Assessment: Issues and International Policy Trends
November 16, 2011 Ian Scott Trends and Issues in Medical Student Career Choice
October 19, 2011 Carol-Anne Moulten Risk, Response and Repercussions: Living Well With Uncertainty in Clinical Practice
September 21, 2011 Andrea Gingerich Rater-based Assessment as Social Judgements: Rethinking the Etiology of Rater Errors
June 15, 2011 Stanley Hamstra Simulacra and Simulation: The Role of Fidelity in the Suspension of Disbelief
May 18, 2011 Sandra Jarvis-Selinger Competencies and Identities: Reconsidering the Goals of Medical Education
April 20, 2011 Karen Mann Tensions in Self-Assessment
March 16, 2011 Carol Herbert Twenty Five Years Later: Reflections on Distributed Medical Education
February 16, 2011 Shiphra Ginsburg Evaluating Professionalism: Reflections on a Decade of Research
January 19, 2011 Tim Dornan Conditions, Processes, and Outcomes of Medical Students’ Workplace Learning
December 15, 2010 Rose Hatala Seeing the Forest AND the Trees: Cognitive Factors and Diagnostic Error
November 17, 2010 Judith Bowen What Ever Happened to Aunt Minnie? Exploring the Concept of Diagnostic Closure
October 20, 2010 Ryan Brydges A New Concept of Unsupervised Learning in Medical Education
September 22, 2010 Kevin Eva Exploring the Uses and Abuses of Human Judgment in Assessment
June 16, 2010 Kevin McLaughlin Simulation in Medical Education: High Fidelity of High Frivolity?
May 19, 2010 Tara Kennedy The Safety Dance: Towards a Tighter Link between Clinical Supervision and Trainee Ability
April 21, 2010 Angela Towle ‘Where’s the Patient’s Voice in Health Professional Education?’ A Research Journey
March 17, 2010 Martin Pusic Improving the Slope of the Learning Curve: The Nature of Deliberate Practice in Medical Diagnosis
January 20, 2010 Lorelei Lingard Collective Competence: Rethinking the Discourse of Competence in the Context of Teamwork
December 16, 2009 David Snadden From Small Acorns…
November 18, 2009 Karen Joughin Explaining How and Why Error Occur During Medical/Surgical Procedures
October 21, 2009 Glenn Regehr Slowing Down When You Should: Exploring New Models of Self-Regulation in the Field