Competency-Based Education Frameworks Across Canadian Health Professions and Implications for Multisource Feedback
John MS, Tong B, Li E, Wilbur K. Competency-Based Education Frameworks Across Canadian Health Professions and Implications for Multisource Feedback. Journal of Allied Health. 2020 Feb 27;49(1):1E-11E.
Comparing effects of two higher intensity feedback interventions with simple feedback on improving staff communication in nursing homes-the INFORM cluster-randomized controlled trial
Hoben M, Ginsburg LR, Easterbrook A, Norton PG, Anderson RA, Andersen EA, Boström AM, Cranley LA, Lanham HJ, Weeks LE, Cummings GG. Comparing effects of two higher intensity feedback interventions with simple feedback on improving staff communication in nursing homes—the INFORM cluster-randomized controlled trial. Implementation Science. 2020 Dec;15(1):1-16.
Necessary but not sufficient: identifying conditions for effective feedback during internal medicine residents’ clinical education
MacNeil K, Cuncic C, Voyer S, Butler D, Hatala R. Necessary but not sufficient: identifying conditions for effective feedback during internal medicine residents’ clinical education. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2020 Aug;25(3):641-654.
The nature of learning from simulation: Now I know it, now I’ll do it, I’ll work on that
Shariff F, Hatala R, Regehr G. The nature of learning from simulation: Now I know it, now I’ll do it, I’ll work on that. Medical Education. 2020 Jul;54(7):652-659.
A view from the sender side of feedback: anticipated receptivity to clinical feedback when changing prior physicians’ clinical decisions-a mixed methods study
Bowen JL, Boscardin CK, Chiovaro J, Ten Cate O, Regehr G, Irby DM, O’Brien BC. A view from the sender side of feedback: anticipated receptivity to clinical feedback when changing prior physicians’ clinical decisions—a mixed methods study. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2020 May;25(2):263-282.
Learning After the Simulation Is Over: The Role of Simulation in Supporting Ongoing Self-Regulated Learning in Practice
Shariff F, Hatala R, Regehr G. Learning after the simulation is over: The role of simulation in supporting ongoing self-regulated learning in practice. Academic Medicine. 2020 Apr 1;95(4):523-526.
Reflections From the Rearview Mirror: Internal Medicine Physicians’ Reactions to Clinical Feedback After Transitions of Responsibility.
Bowen JL, Ilgen JS, Regehr G, Ten Cate O, Irby DM, O’Brien BC. Reflections from the rearview mirror: internal medicine physicians’ reactions to clinical feedback after transitions of responsibility. Academic Medicine. 2019 Dec 1;94(12):1953-1960.
Remote assessment via video evaluation (RAVVE): a pilot study to trial video-enabled peer feedback on clinical performance.
Ho K, Yao C, Novak Lauscher H, Koehler BE, Shojania K, Jamal S, Collins D, Kherani R, Meneilly G, Eva K. Remote assessment via video evaluation (RAVVE): a pilot study to trial video-enabled peer feedback on clinical performance. BMC medical education. 2019 Dec;19(1):1-9.
Your Goals, My Goals, Our Goals: The Complexity of Coconstructing Goals with Learners in Medical Education.
Farrell L, Bourgeois-Law G, Buydens S, Regehr G. Your goals, my goals, our goals: the complexity of coconstructing goals with learners in medical education. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2019 Aug 8;31(4):370-377.
When I say… feedback.
Ajjawi R, Regehr G. When I say… feedback. Medical Education. 2019 Jul;53(7):652-654.