Productivity Decline or Administrative Avalanche? Examining Factors That Shape Changing Workloads in Primary Care
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Negotiating legitimacy and belonging: Disabled students’ and practitioners’ experience
Jarus T, Krupa T, Mayer Y, Battalova A, Bulk L, Lee M, Nimmon L, Roberts E. Negotiating legitimacy and belonging: Disabled students’ and practitioners’ experience. Medical Education. 2023 Jun;57(6):535-547.
When I say … removing barriers
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Social support experiences of students and clinicians with disabilities in health professions
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Trends in medical students’ health over 5 years: Does a wellbeing curriculum make a difference?
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Reimagining disability accommodations in medical education
Clarke QK. Reimagining disability accommodations in medical education. Postgraduate medical journal. 2023 Apr;99(1170):238-239.
Impact of pediatric near-miss perioperative events: A survey of anesthesiology residents
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Stressors and mental health impacts of COVID-19 in dental students: A scoping review
Ramachandran S, Shayanfar M, Brondani M. Stressors and mental health impacts of COVID‐19 in dental students: A scoping review. Journal of Dental Education. 2022 Nov 8.
Students’ resilience and mental health in the dental curriculum
Maragha T, Donnelly L, Schuetz C, von Bergmann H, Brondani M. Students’ resilience and mental health in the dental curriculum. European Journal of Dental Education. 2023 Feb;27(1):174-180.
Mental health outcomes and help-seeking behaviours among Egyptian medical students: A cross-sectional study
Kamel MM, Westenberg JN, Suen J, Jang KL, Maragha T, Badawy A, El‐Sawi H, Krausz M. Mental health outcomes and help‐seeking behaviours among Egyptian medical students: A cross‐sectional study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 2021 Nov 22.