One program, multiple training sites: Does site of family medicine training influence professional practice location?
Jamieson JL, Kernahan J, Calam B, Sivertz KS. One program, multiple training sites: does site of family medicine training influence professional practice location? Rural and Remote Health. 2013 Dec 1;13(4):76-87.
Impact of a regional distributed medical education program on an underserved community: perceptions of community leaders
Toomey P, Lovato CY, Hanlon N, Poole G, Bates J. Impact of a regional distributed medical education program on an underserved community: perceptions of community leaders. Academic Medicine. 2013 Jun 1;88(6):811-818.
Using rural and remote settings in the undergraduate medical curriculum: Guide supplement 471 – viewpoint
Snadden D. Using rural and remote settings in the undergraduate medical curriculum: Guide supplement 47.1–viewpoint. Medical Teacher. 2011 Sep 1;33(9):765-767.
Developing a medical school: expansion of medical student capacity in new locations: AMEE Guide No 55
Snadden D, Bates J, Burns P, Casiro O, Hays R, Hunt D, Towle A. Developing a medical school: expansion of medical student capacity in new locations: AMEE Guide No. 55. Medical teacher. 2011 Jul 1;33(7):518-529.
Exploring the role of social capital in supporting a regional medical education campus
Toomey P, Hanlon N, Bates J, Poole G, Lovato CY. Exploring the role of social capital in supporting a regional medical education campus. Rural and Remote Health. 2011 Dec 1;11(4):59-71.
Students’ perception of the learning environment in a distributed medical programme
Veerapen K, McAleer S. Students’ perception of the learning environment in a distributed medical programme. Medical Education Online. 2010 Jan 1;15(1):5168.
We can see a future here: place attachment, professional identity, and forms of capital mobilized to deliver medical education in an underserviced area
Hanlon N, Halseth G, Snadden D. “We can see a future here”: Place attachment, professional identity, and forms of capital mobilized to deliver medical education in an underserviced area. Health & place. 2010 Sep 1;16(5):909-915.
Establishing a distributed campus: making sense of disruptions to a doctor community
Hanlon N, Ryser L, Crain J, Halseth G, Snadden D. Establishing a distributed campus: making sense of disruptions to a doctor community. Medical education. 2010 Mar;44(3):256-262.
Evaluating distributed medical education: what are the community’s expectations?
Lovato C, Bates J, Hanlon N, Snadden D. Evaluating distributed medical education: what are the community’s expectations? Medical education. 2009 May;43(5):457-461.