Major Mike Claydon
Regimental Medical Officer
Royal Dragoon Guards
British Army
Dates of Visit: June 17 – 21, 2019
Purpose of Visit
During this visit to CHES, Mike would like to meet with educators and researchers within the CHES community to discuss using comics to teach non-professionally qualified healthcare workers. Education through narrative, visual imagery and other ideas gratefully sought!
Mike joined the British Army after University in 2007. He has deployed operationally, leading small teams of Combat Medical Technicians (CMTs) and nurses providing Pre-hospital Emergency Care and Primary Healthcare (PHC) in combat, peacekeeping and training roles in the Middle East and Africa. A General Practitioner by training, he is the Regimental Medical Officer (RMO) for the Royal Dragoon Guards, a cavalry regiment, where he leads and trains a team of CMTs and a nurse. He is working towards a certificate in medical education and regularly teaches and mentors junior doctors, nurses and CMTs.
CMTs are the backbone of the military medical services. Mike is interested in how to enable the least trained, educated and clinically experienced members of the military healthcare team to deliver quality healthcare in the most challenging circumstances. He is leading a project to develop and trial a ‘combat care comic’ to educate CMTs in the complexities and subtleties of primary healthcare in the field.