Restricting resident work hours: the good, the bad, and the ugly
Peets A, Ayas NT. Restricting resident work hours: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Critical care medicine. 2012 Mar 1;40(3):960-966.
Restricting resident work hours: the good, the bad, and the ugly
Peets A, Ayas NT. Restricting resident work hours: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Critical care medicine. 2012 Mar 1;40(3):960-6.
Work-related behavior and experience patterns and predictors of mental health in german physicians in medical practice
Frank E, Wirsching M, Spahn C. Work-related behavior and experience patterns and predictors of mental health in German physicians in medical practice. Fam Med. 2010;42(6):433-439.
Demands, values, and burnout relevance for physicians
Leiter MP, Frank E, Matheson TJ. Demands, values, and burnout: relevance for physicians. Canadian Family Physician. 2009 Dec 1;55(12):1224-1225.
Health practices of Canadian physicians
Frank E, Segura C. Health practices of Canadian physicians. Canadian Family Physician. 2009 Aug 1;55(8):810-811.
Personal and clinical tobacco-related practices and attitudes of us medical students
Frank E, Elon L, Spencer E. Personal and clinical tobacco-related practices and attitudes of US medical students. Preventive medicine. 2009 Aug 1;49(2-3):233-239.
The association between Colombian medical students’ healthy personal habits and a positive attitude toward preventive counseling: cross-sectional analyses
Duperly J, Lobelo F, Segura C, Sarmiento F, Herrera D, Sarmiento OL, Frank E. The association between Colombian medical students’ healthy personal habits and a positive attitude toward preventive counseling: cross-sectional analyses. BMC public Health. 2009 Dec;9(1):1-7.
May I long experience the joy of healing: professional and personal wellbeing among physicians from a Canadian province
Lovell BL, Lee RT, Frank E. May I long experience the joy of healing: professional and personal wellbeing among physicians from a Canadian province. BMC Family Practice. 2009 Dec;10(1):1-15.