News & Highlights

Dr. Ian Scott, CHES Director and Scientist, was awarded the 2025 CAME Service Award.

Dr. Ingrid Price joins CHES as Scholar, effective July 1, 2024.

Dr. Sara Jassemi (Department of Pediatrics), CHES MHPE-Canada student, was awarded the UBC Faculty of Medicine Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusiveness.

Dr. Laura Nimmon, CHES Scientist published an invited Perspectives paper, “The complexity of physician power” in the high-impact journal, Sciences Advances (AAAS).

Dr. James Tessaro, CHES Fellowship Alumnus, is the recipient of the UBC Department of Medicine Howard B. Stein Master Teacher Award.

Dr. Tristen Gilchrist, CHES Fellowship Alumnus, is the recipient of the UBC Department of Medicine Fay R. Dirks Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Drs. Valeria Stoynova, James Tessaro, Matthew Brooks, Katrina Dutkiewicz and Tristen Gilchrist,  CHES Fellowship Alumni, have been awarded with the UBC Department of Medicine Faculty Excellence in Clinical Teaching Honour Roll.

Dr. Rabia Khan, CHES Postdoctoral Fellow, is the recipient of a first-ever CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award.

Dr. Vincent Wong, MHPE-Canada Student, was awarded the AFMC John Ruedy Award for Excellence in Graduate Health Professions Education Scholarship.

Dr. Paris-Ann Ingledew, CHES Member and Fellowship Alumni, is the recipient of a 2024 Killam Teaching Award.

Rabia Khan, CHES Postdoctoral Fellow, received the 2023 RIME Paper for Outstanding Research Award for ‘Constructing ‘Burnout’: A Critical Discourse Analysis of ‘Burnout’ in Post Graduate Medical Education’.

Tal Jarus, CHES Member, was awarded the 2024 CAME Certificate of Merit.

Xin Mei Liu, CHES Fellow, was awarded the 2024 CAME Rising Star Certificate of Excellence.

Kevin Eva, CHES Associate Director and Scientist, was awarded ASME Gold Medal 2024.

Jane Buxton, CHES Member, is awarded the Order of British Columbia.

Saleem Razack, CHES Scholar, has been appointed as the Senior Faculty Advisor, Respectful Environments, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.

Congratulations to our CHES Scholar and Members who are the recipients of the 2023 Faculty of Medicine Awards:

  • Katherine Wisener - Applegarth Staff Service Award in the Management & Professional category
  • Sharon Doucet, Jennifer McKay, and David Sanders - Dean’s Staff Awards
  • Maria Hubinette - Killam Teaching Prize
  • Tal Jarus and Olusegun Oyedele - Advancement of Equity, Diversity and Inclusiveness

Matthew Brooks, CHES Fellowship Alumnus, is the recipient of the Providence Health Care Graeme Copland Clinician Teacher Award.

Luke Chen, CHES Fellowship Alumnus, is the recipient of the UBC Department of Medicine Master Teacher Award for VGH.

Katrina Dutkiewicz and James Tessaro, CHES Fellowship Alumni, have been awarded with the UBC Department of Medicine Faculty Excellence in Clinical Teaching Honour Roll.

Tal Jarus and Olusegun Oyedele, CHES Members, have been awarded the 2023 Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award – Advancement of Equity, Diversity and Inclusiveness.

Claudia Krebs, CHES Member, has been awarded the 2023 Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award – Overall Excellence – Senior Faculty.

CHES Scientist, Laura Nimmon, is a host on a CAME Health Professions Education Podcast – Social networks and how they inform reflection, faculty development and professional identity formation.

Maria Hubinette, CHES Scholar, has been appointed as the augural Canfield Distinguished Scholar in Patient Partnerships at UBC until March 31, 2026.

Brett Schrewe, CHES Member, successfully presented and defended his PhD dissertation at the University of British Columbia. His PhD is titled 'Medical Citizenship and the Social Right to Health Care in Canada: A Genealogy of Medical Education Discourses'.

Kimberly Stewart, MHPE-Canada Student, is the recipient of the 2023 Robert Maudsley Fellowship for Studies in Medical Education Grant.

Lucas Streith, CHES Fellow, is the recipient of the Learner Health Professions Education Grant.

Kevin Eva, CHES Associate Director and Scientist, was awarded Early Career Medical Educators Mentor Award.

Maria Hubinette, CHES Scholar, is the recipient of the Killam Teaching Prize.

Michael Lee, CHES Member, is the recipient of the 3M National Teaching Fellowship.

Heather Buckley, CHES Scholar, has been appointed as the Associate Dean, Faculty Development in the Faculty of Medicine, effective to November 30, 2027.

Glenn Regehr, CHES Scientist, was recommended for “Outstanding Academic Performance” (OAP) by the Department of Surgery for 2021, in honour and recognition of academic achievement and reflection of significant productivity in the department.

Kevin Eva, CHES Associate Director and Scientist, was awarded the 2022 Karolinska Institutet Prize for Research in Medical Education! The 10th recipient of the prestigious international prize.

Clemmie Cheung, CHES Administrative Coordinator, was awarded the 2022 Applegarth Staff Service Award in the CUPE/Secretarial category. This award recognizes excellence in personal achievement and outstanding contributions to the Faculty of Medicine.

Alone in the Ring: Innovation in Pedagogy, Representation, and Evaluation’ by Tal Jarus, Laura Yvonne Bulk, Yael Mayer, members of the CHES community, was awarded the D2L Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning.

Paul Winwood, CHES Member, has been reappointed as the Regional Associate Dean (RAD), Northern BC effective July 1, 2022 until June 30, 2024.

Cheryl Holmes, CHES Member, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education and Head, Division of Critical Care Medicine was recognized by the UBC Medical Alumni Association with the alumni UBC Builder Award. And was also reappointed as Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) for another five-year term, effective July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2027.

Sean Maurice, CHES Member, has been appointed as the Assistant Dean, Northern Medical Program effective July 1, 2022 until June 30, 2025.

Gaby Yang, MHPE-Canada Alumnus, is the interim Workplace-based Assessment Lead, Provincial Learner Assessment Team, MD Undergraduate Program.

James Tessaro, CHES Fellowship Alumnus, is the recipient of the Providence Health Care Graeme Copland Clinician Teacher Award.

Adrian Yee and Paul Winwood, CHES members, and Stephane Voyer and James Tessaro, CHES Fellowship Alumni, have been awarded with the UBC Department of Medicine Faculty Excellence in Clinical Teaching Honour Roll.

Kevin Eva, CHES Associate Director and Scientist, is the recipient of the UBC Department of Medicine Master Teacher Award.

Rose Hatala, Director of the Clinical Educator Fellowship Program, UBC Director, MHPE-Canada and CHES Scholar has been awarded the 2022 Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award – Excellence in Education from the UBC Faculty of Medicine.

CHES is pleased to welcome Faizal Haji as a CHES Scholar. Dr. Haji is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery.

Members of the CHES community, Andrea Townson, Kyla Hildebrand, and Maggie Watt, were the recipients of the 2022 CAME Certificate of Merit Awards.

Glenn Regehr, CHES Scientist and Associate Director of Research, was awarded the 2022 AFMC President’s Award for Exemplary National Leadership in Academic Medicine.

Kerry Wilbur, CHES Member and Associate Professor & Executive Director, Entry-to-Practice Education, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences was the recipient of the 2021 UBC Health Award for Excellence in Interprofessional Teaching and Learning.

Ian Scott, CHES Director and Scientist, was awarded the 2021 Teaching Excellence Award, from the UBC Medical Undergraduate Society (MUS).

Laura Farrell, CHES Scholar, was appointed as Associate Dean, Student Affairs in the Faculty of Medicine effective to November 30, 2026.

Maria Hubinette, CHES Scholar, was awarded the 2021 Michael Smith Health Research BC Health Professional-Investigator Award.

CHES is pleased to welcome Heather Buckley as a CHES Scholar. Dr. Buckley is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine.

Katrina Dutkiewicz, CHES Fellow was awarded the 2022 CAME Wooster Family Grant in Medical Education. Katrina is being co-supervised on this project by Dr. Kevin Eva, Associate Director of CHES, as part of her thesis in the MHPE-Canada Program.

Kevin Eva, CHES Senior Scientist was awarded the 2022 Faculty Health Professions Education Grant from CAME. Kevin is conducting this work with Helen Hsu, PhD candidate (Maastricht University) and Evaluation Specialist in the Evaluation Studies Unit (ESU) at UBC.

Michelle Huebert, CHES Administrative Manager, is the recipient of the 2021 Applegarth Staff Service Award – Management and Professional category from the UBC Faculty of Medicine. This award recognizes excellence in personal achievements and outstanding contributions to the Faculty of Medicine.

Laura Nimmon, CHES Scientist, is the recipient of the 2021 Award for Excellence in Mentoring Early Career Faculty from the UBC Faculty of Medicine. This award recognizes faculty who exemplify a deep commitment to fostering the professional and personal development of faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers.

Kevin Eva, CHES Senior Scientist and Associate Director, is the recipient of the 2021 Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Education from the UBC Faculty of Medicine. This award recognizes significant contributions to health education in the areas of leadership, innovation, and scholarship of education.

Paris-Ann Ingledew, CHES Fellowship Alumnus, is a recipient of the 2021 Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching from the UBC Faculty of Medicine, for the mid-career stream. This award recognizes excellence in clinical teaching by clinical faculty members.

CHES sends congratulations to all of its members who received special acknowledgement of their contributions in this year's Faculty of Medicine Awards, with particular mention to CHES Members, Michael Lee, Olusegun Oyedele, Karen Pinder and Tandi Wilkinson.

Tristen Gilchrist, CHES Fellowship Alumnus, is the recipient of the AMEE 2021 Research Paper Award for the paper ‘A collective case study of supervision and competence judgments on the inpatient internal medicine ward’.

Neera Jain, incoming CHES Postdoctoral Fellow, is the recipient of the 2021 AMEE Doctoral Report Award.

Bruce Wright, CHES Member and CHES Advisory Committee Member, was elected President of the Medical Council of Canada (MCC).

Cary Cuncic, CHES Fellowship Alumnus, was recently appointed as the Regional Associate Dean, Vancouver Fraser, effective August 1, 2021.

Anique Atherley has successfully defended her thesis, Beyond the struggles: Using social-developmental lenses on the transition to clinical training.

Congratulations to Edwin Betinol, CHES Clinical Educator Fellow, who was awarded the 2021 Award of Excellence for Leadership from the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia (PABC).

Congratulations to Sue Murphy, CHES Scholar & Associate Director of Cross-Professions Initiatives, who was awarded the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia (PABC).

CHES Clinical Educator Fellowship Alumnus, Farhana Shariff, has been awarded with the Zane Cohen Clinical Fellowship Achievement Award from the Department of Surgery at the University of Toronto.

Kerry Wilbur successfully defended her thesis, No Where | Now Here: Context and Competency Expectations in Workplace-Based Training at Maastricht University.

Congratulations to Roger Wong who has been reappointed as the Vice-Dean of Education in the UBC Faculty of Medicine for another term.

Laura Farrell, CHES Scholar, has been appointed to the role of Interim Associate Dean, Student Affairs in the Faculty of Medicine effective July 1, 2021. Congratulations!

Congratulations to all the MHPE-Canada students who presented their theses this spring, and successfully completed their Master’s in Health Professions Education!

  • Val StoynovaTransitioning to Telehealth: Professional Turmoil and Potentially Terrific
  • Azaria MarthymanImmigrant International Medical Graduates: How Do They Successfully Manage Complex Sociocultural Challenges
  • Marilyn ChampagneLeaving the White Coat Behind: Physicians Exploring Non-Clinical Work Possibilities in an Online Community

Congratulations to Brett Schrewe, Clinical Educator Fellow Alumnus and the 2020 Joanna Bates Lectureship, who was a successful co-applicant on the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Engage Grants COVID-19 Special Initiative 2020-2021, along with his team led by Sophie Soklaridis. A grant of $25,000 was awarded for their project, “COVID-19: Identifying and Addressing Intersecting Barriers of Gender, Sex, and Race to Academic Productivity in Canadian Faculties of Medicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic”.

Sue Murphy, CHES Scholar and Associate Director of Cross-Professions Initiatives, was the recipient of the PABC Award of Excellence: Lifetime Accomplishment Award.

Congratulations to Glenn Regehr, CHES Scientist and Associate Director of Research, on being awarded the 2020 Department of Surgery Dr. Richard Finley Senior Scholar Award.

Congratulations to Gisele Bourgeios-Law, CHES Scholar and IMP Faculty Liaison, who received the 2019 Research in Medical Education (RIME) Outstanding Research Paper Award from the American Association of Medical Colleges, for ‘Attitudes Towards Physicians Requiring Remediation: One-of-Us or Not-Like-Us?' (Along with research team, Pim Teunissen, Lara Varpio and Glenn Regehr).

CHES Clinical Educator Fellowship Alumnus, Tristen Gilchrist, has been appointed the Associate Program Director, Curriculum of the Department of Medicine’s Postgraduate Education Program effective December 1, 2020.

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2021 CAME Certificate of Merit Awards, which includes CHES Member, Theresa van der Goes and CHES Fellow Alumnus, Cary Cunic.

Congratulations to Kayla Nelson, a MHPE Canada student, who has been awarded the Dr. Karen Mann Catalyst Grant in Medical Education Research. Kayla has also been appointed a formal faculty position at the University of Calgary.

Sue Murphy, CHES Scholar and Associate Director of Cross-Professions Initiatives, has been reappointed as Head of the Department of Physical Therapy for another term.

Gisele Bourgeios-Law, CHES-IMP Faculty Liaison, successfully defended her PhD thesis at Maastricht University.

Glenn Regehr, CHES Associate Director of Research, was awarded the 2020 Karolinska Institutet Prize for Research in Medical Education! The 10th recipient of the prestigious international prize.

Congratulations to our CHES program alumni and CHES Members who are the recipients of the 2020 Faculty of Medicine Awards:

  • Courtney Broten - Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching
  • Roxana Geoffrin - Excellence in Education
  • Alison Greig and Sean Maurice - UBC Killam Teaching Prize

CHES Clinical Educator Fellow, Diana Fort, has been appointed the Assistant Dean for the Southern Medical Program (SMP).

CHES Scientist, Laura Nimmon, has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor.

CHES Clinical Educator Fellow Alumnus, James Tessaro has been appointed the new Program Director for the 5-year GIM Fellowship Program. James has received numerous awards in teaching and has done amazing work with integrating CBD in the fellowship already.

Stephanie Scott is the latest graduate of the Masters of Health Professions Education Program from the CHES site.

CHES Member, Laura Bulk is the recipient of the Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award.

CHES Scholar, Deborah Butler and CHES Member, Sean Maurice are recipients of the Killam Teaching Prize.

Congratulations to the recipients of the Department of Medicine Teaching Awards:

  • Stephane Voyer - Master Teacher Award
  • Luke Chen - Award for Outstanding Grand Rounds
  • Katie Ng, James Tessaro, and Stephane Voyer - Honour Roll for Clinical Teaching Excellence

Ian Scott, CHES Director, is the recipient of a 2020 College Coin from the BC College of Family Physicians.

Some exciting publication news… congratulations to CHES Fellowship Alumnus, Heather Buckley, Postdoc Alumnus, Renate Kahlke, CHES Scientists, Joanna Bates and Laura Nimmon, and CHES Director, Ian Scott for having their articles in the top 10% downloaded papers for 2018-19 in Medical Education Journal.

Georges Bordage and Gordon Page are the recipients of AERA Division, Outstanding Research Publication Award, for ‘The Key Features Approach to Assess Clinical Decisions: Validity Evidence to Date’.

CHES Scientist, Anneke van Enk and CHES Clinical Educator Fellow Alumnus, Jennifer Tam are the recipients of the 2020 Medical Education Research Grant.

Gisele Bourgeois Law, CHES Scholar, is a recipient of the 2020 Medical Education Research Grant, has been promoted to the rank of Clinical Professor, and will defend her PhD in the fall.

CHES Clinical Educator Fellow, Jamie Powell has been awarded a Berbee Research Grant, from the Kelowna Emergency Medicine Fund.

CHES hosted the annual Fellow & MHPE Student Summer Welcome Party: a musically immersive (and socially distanced) tour of campus!

Joanna Ian Ian McWhinney AwardJoanna Bates, CHES’ founding Director was the recipient of the 2019 Ian McWhinney Award. Ian Scott accepted the award on her behalf.

CHES Associate Director and Senior Scientist, Kevin Eva was awarded the 2020 CAME-ACEM Ian Hart Award.

CHES Scientist, Laura Nimmon has recently been appointed as an Associate Editor for Perspectives on Medical Education, as well as the section editor for Qualitative Space. Laura was also the recipient of the 2020 CAME-ACEM Early Career Medical Educators Champion Award.

CHES Clinical Educator Fellow Alumnus, Heather Buckley has been appointed Portfolio Pillar Lead, Student Assessment Unit, Undergraduate Medical Education. Heather has also been the recipient of two prestigious awards recently, the inaugural 2019 Dr. Richard Wadge Teaching Award and the 2020 AFMC Award for Outstanding Contribution to Faculty Development in Canada.

KathleenKathleen Dalinghaus has successfully presented her thesis on ‘Exploring Power Relationships: Urban Nurse-Doctor-Dyad Debriefing of a Simulated Crisis in a Rural Operating Room’, and has now received her Master of Health Professions Education.

Cynthia Min successfully defended her PhD titled ‘First-Year Medical Students’ Perceptions of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations’ Contributions to Learning’. Cynthia is in the MD/PhD program and completed her PhD through the Cross Faculty Inquiry in Education Program.

Senior Scientist, Gary Poole, CHES Member, Isabeau Iqbal, and Roselynn Verwood were the winners of the International Journal for Academic Development 2019 Article of the Year Award, for their article ‘Small Significant Networks as Birds of a Feather’.

CHES Fellow alumnus, Paris-Ann Ingledew, has been nominated as a CFMS Champion for her contribution to a positive learning environment at UBC.

joanna bates full shot Joanna Bates, CHES' founding Director and Senior Scientist is the recipient of the 2019 Faculty of Medicine Bill and Marilyn Webber Lifetime Achievement Award, to acknowledge her significant contributions within the faculty.

Sevinj Asgarova, Research Coordinator at CHES, has successfully defended her thesis, Mothers' experiences of continuing their pregnancy after prenatally receiving a diagnosis of Down Sydrome and has now completed her PhD.

CHES Scholar and Clinical Educator Fellow Alumnus, Maria Hubinette has been appointed as the Assistant Dean, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion within the Faculty of Medicine.

Rose Hatala, Director of the Clinical Educator Fellowship Program, Co-coordinator of MHPE-Canada and CHES Scholar has been awarded the 2019 Medical Council of Canada Outstanding Achievement Award in the Evaluation of Clinical Competence. Read more.

CHES Member Ali Walzak is the recipient of the Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching.

CHES Member Geoffry Blair is the recipient of the Provan Award for Surgical Teaching.

joanna bates full shot Teresa Green is the latest graduate of the Masters of Health Professions Education Program from the CHES site.

This quarter we had a bumper crop of graduates from our Clinical Educator Fellowship and MHPE-Canada Programs.

At the end of June, we were excited to celebrate our latest group of graduates as we bid a fond farewell (but not goodbye) to Heather Buckley, Tristen Gilchrist, Katie Ng, Farhana Shariff and Jennifer Tam! This brings the total number of CEF graduates to over 25. The Clinical Educator Fellowship Program is designed for individuals who are interested in developing an academic career as a Clinical Educator, have a desire to engage in and disseminate educational scholarship, and wish to engage in educational leadership. We are incredibly proud to share that alumni of the Clinical Educator Fellowship Program are not only contributing to the better training of health care professionals, but progressing rapidly into educational leadership positions here at UBC and beyond. Get more information about the CEF Program and see our current fellows and alumni.

CHES is also a host site for the Master of Health Professions Education from the School of Health Professions Education at Maastricht University, with successful applicants receiving thesis supervision and mentorship from CHES faculty. We are pleased to announce that this quarter we had a record breaking five students present their capstone thesis talk to complete the Master’s of Health Professions Education degree. Congratulations to Jonathan Misskey, Julianna Caon, Samantha Stasiuk, Farhana Shariff and Jennifer Tam for completing this capstone requirement of the degree. Additionally, we are excited to announce that both Heather Buckley and Nawaaz Nathoo will be presenting their theses at the end of August! To learn more about the MHPE-Canada program please click here.

To help us celebrate the success of our recent graduates, please join us for a reception on Wednesday, September 18 from 11:00am to noon at UBC Vancouver - Life Sciences Centre, room 1312 CMR. Please note the reception will be held prior to the inaugural Joanna Bates Lectureship: Special Edition of CHES Research Rounds

Looking ahead, we are happy to announce the incoming cohort for the Clinical Educator Fellowship Program! For the 2019/20 academic year, we welcome Andrea Larson (Family Practice, Prince George), James Powell (Emergency Medicine, Kelowna), and Indeep Sekhon (Respiratory Medicine, Vancouver) to our CHES community. Andrea, Jamie and Indy are joined in the MHPE-Canada program by Kayla Nelson (Obstetrics and Gynecology, Calgary) and Dana Thomsen (Family Practice, Prince George). This means that our active cohort of Clinical Educator Fellows and MHPE-Canada students are located at all four of our distributed sites as well as participants from Yellowknife, Campbell River and Calgary. We look forward to sharing their successes with you in future tweets and Quarterly’s.

Visiting Scholar Maria Elvén has successfully defended her thesis, Clinical Reasoning Focused on Clients’ Behaviour Change in Physiotherapy. Development and Evaluation of the Reasoning for Change Instrument. Maria attributes her time at CHES to the development of her research and her dissertation.

CHES' first PhD student, Robin Hopkins is the 2019 recipient of the A.J. Ersted Award for Specialized Pedagogy in Undergraduate Anatomy & Physiology.

We are pleased to welcome Laura Farrell as a CHES Scholar. Dr. Farrell is Assistant Dean Undergraduate Education for the Island Medical Program (IMP) and a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine.