Dr. Ian Scott
Associate Professor
Department of Family Practice
University of British Columbia
Dates: September 2014 – August 2015
Purpose of Visit
During his year-long sabbatical at CHES, Dr. Scott will be collaborating with CHES members to explore and develop a scholarly program of research related to the place of identity formation and professionalization in medical student training. Dr. Scott will also will explore opportunities for scholarship in four areas relevant to educational practice: the theories of cognitive science, the role of motivation, the use of new educational media, and the place of assessment in understanding and enhancing student learning.
Dr. Ian Scott is Associate Professor in the Department of Family Practice. He is the undergraduate director of Family Practice Programs in the UBC MD program. He is also the chair of the Section of Teachers at the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) that oversees undergraduate and postgraduate teaching at a national level. He is the past inaugural chair of the CFPC Undergraduate Education Committee (2007 to 2012) and was the acting head of the Department of Family Practice at UBC from 2008 to 2010.
Most recently he was the chair of a number of curriculum renewal working groups including continuity, design and transitions in the undergraduate MD program. Dr. Scott has an MD and a Masters in Health Research Methodology from McMaster University and is certified by both the CFPC in Family Medicine and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in Public Heath and Preventive Medicine.