Charles Penner, MD
Associate Dean, Brandon Satellite Campus
Max Rady College of Medicine
University of Manitoba
Dates of Visit: January 20 – 24, 2020
Purpose of Visit
During his visit to CHES, Dr. Penner will be developing his study to explore whether there is a difference in psychological well-being between the models of LIC versus block rotation clerkship. He will be refining his methodology to ensure it is robust and defensible, addressing the practicalities of doing this research across multiple schools and countries and exploring the concept of psychological or educational safety as it relates to clerkship.
Dr. Charles Penner is a trained as a respirologist and intensivist and has spent his career practicing in Comox, Abu Dhabi, and Brandon. He has been a senior regional health authority administrator in Brandon and is currently Associate Dean for the Brandon Satellite Campus, Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba. In addition to developing the satellite campus in Brandon, he also has an interest in promoting longitudinal integrated clerkships in Manitoba. His research interests are in distributed medical education research. He is part of the research team using Delphi methodology to look at how distributed medical education is perceived across the country. He is also a co-author on a recently published, multi-school study looking at resident teaching opportunities in rural distributed teaching sites compared to urban sites. His current project (in collaboration with Dr. Greg Malin) is to understand whether the longitudinal integrated clerkship model is beneficial to students in terms of improved psychological well-being compared to block rotation clerkships.