Yumin Kang, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Division of Infectious Diseases Myongji Hospital
Dates of Visit: March 6, 2023 – February 16, 2024
Purpose of Visit
Yumin is an Infectious Diseases doctor who works in the clinical field, practices and provides consultations related to infectious diseases, infection control and prevention, educates junior doctors (intern and residents), and performs clinical trials. Her research interests are focused on workplace based learning and interprofessional training. In Korea, she is also actively engaged in training programs related to the capacity building of healthcare personnel in response to infectious disease. She participated in international collaborative projects in the field of infectious diseases, where she designed, conducted, and evaluated training programs for infectious disease response personnel in Africa and Southeast Asia. Due to all of her past roles and experiences in various fields, Yumin has an open mind and attitude to other areas of research.