Boris Zevin, MD, PhD, FRCSC
Associate Professor and SEAMO Medical Education Scholar,
Department of Surgery,
Queen’s University
Dates of Visit: September 12 – 19, 2023
Dr. Boris Zevin is an Assistant Professor and SEAMO Medical Education Scholar in the Department of Surgery with cross appointment to the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University. Dr. Zevin received his MD degree (2008) and PhD degree (2013) from the University of Toronto. His clinical practice is focused on Advanced Upper GI and Bariatric Surgery. His research program in HPE is focused on: (1) quantitative computational analysis of procedural skills within CBME; (2) evaluation of effectiveness of educational interventions along the continuum of health professions education; (3) remote delivery of educational interventions for practicing physicians and surgeons; and (4) feedback within CBME.
Purpose of Visit
During this visit, Dr. Zevin’s goals are to establish collaborations and mentorship opportunities with internationally recognized experts in the field of surgical and health-professions education research, and to learn the specifics about the structure of existing research fellowships and the research centre.