Adrian Yee, MD
Clinical Associate Professor
Associate Curriculum Director, Year 3 and 4, MDUP
Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Dates of Visit: October 10 – 12, 2017
Purpose of Visit
During this visit to CHES, Dr. Yee will be meeting with individual members of the CHES community with related research interests in education scholarship.
Dr. Yee completed his MD at the University of Toronto and his internal medicine/clinical hematology training at the University of Alberta. His clinical interests focus on the treatment of patients with multiple myeloma and lymphoma. He accepted a position at BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver Island Centre in 2004 where his interest in Medical Education began. He became a Clinical Associate Professor in July of 2017.
Since February 2016, Dr. Yee has been the Associate Curriculum Director for Year 3 and 4 for the MD Undergraduate Program. He is very proud of the team and the hard work done in planning and implementing the Transition in Clinical Education (TICE) course and clerkship renewal. His medical education research interests include quality improvement, transition in medical education and integration of technology in learning. He is studying towards a Master of Education Technology degree at UBC, supported by a Professional Development Grant from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.