Sue Murphy, B.H.Sc (PT), M.Ed
Emeritus Scholar
Sue Murphy is a Physical Therapist and Head in the Department of Physical Therapy at UBC. Sue worked clinically in critical care for many years and more recently has been involved in teaching and educational scholarship, focusing on professionalism. Sue has presented at national and international conferences and enjoys the challenge of educational innovation. Sue’s role at CHES is designed to provide stronger linkages between non-MD Health Professions and the Centre, as well as strengthening the support available for a broad range of health professions.
When not at UBC, Sue can usually be found either on horseback, in her garden or spending time with friends.
Research Interests
- Teaching Professionalism and the development of Professional Identity
Selected Publication Highlights in the Last Five Years
Murphy, S., Whitehouse, L., Parsa, B. (2018): Teaching professionalism: some features in Canadian physiotherapy programs. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice,
Co-author for Chapter 2 on ‘Acquiring and developing professional values’ in publication “ABC of Clinical Professionalism” by Nicola Cooper, Anna Frain, & John Frain (published January 2018, BMJ books; Winner of BMA Medical Book Award 2018).
Bulk, L. Y., Drynan, D., Murphy, S., Gerber, P., Bezati, R., Trivett, S., Jarus, T. (2019) “Patient perspectives: Four pillars of professionalism,” Patient Experience Journal: 6 (3) Article 10. DOI: 10.35680/2372-0247.1386. Available at:
Jarus, T., Bezati, R., Trivett, S., Lee, M., Bulk, L.Y., Battalova, A., Mayer, Y., Murphy, S., Gerber, P., & Drynan, D. (2019). Professionalism and disabled clinicians: the client’s perspective, Disability & Society. Published online, Sept 30, 2019.
Hall, M., Mori, B., Norman, K., Proctor, P., Murphy, S., Bredy, H. (2021). How Do I Choose a Job? Factors Influencing the Career and Employment Decisions of Physiotherapy Graduates in Canada. Physiotherapy Canada, 73 (2), Spring 2021, 168-177.
Garrett, B., Caulfield, T., Murdoch, B., Brignall, M., Kapur, A. K., Murphy, S., … & Braun, J. (2021). A taxonomy of risk‐associated alternative health practices: A Delphi study. Health & Social Care in the Community
Parsa, B., Murphy, S., Drynan, D., & Jarus, T. (2021). Reflection on Professionalism: Retrospective Review of Health Professional Student Reflections. International Journal of Practice-Based Learning in Health and Social Care, 9(1), 1-17
Betinol E., Murphy S., Regehr G. (2022). Exploring the development of adaptive expertise through the lens of threshold concepts. Medical Education 2022;1‐9. https://doi:10.1111/medu.14887
Conference Proceedings
Anthony, J., Parhar, A., Murphy, S., Parhar, G. (2016, Apr). Creating virtual patients to teach social responsibility and accountability: In five easy steps. Workshop at the Canadian Conference of Medical Education, Montreal, Quebec.
Murphy, S. (2016, May). Open book exams in physical therapy programs: Something to consider? Oral presentation at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Congress, Victoria, BC.
Greig A, Murphy S, & Regehr, G. (2016, Aug). Virtual patient cases: Can they teach foreign-trained health professionals about differences in health culture and context? Poster presentation at the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Murphy, S. (2016, Sept). Training actors for interprofessional role play: Lessons learned. Poster presentation at Altogether Better Health VIII, Oxford, England.
Murphy, S. (2017, May). Training actors for interprofessional role play. Poster presentation at the 7th International Clinical Skills Conference, Prato, Italy.
Murphy, S., Rankin, A. (2017, May). Teaching Professionalism in the Clinical Context: Key Themes Oral presentation at the 7th International Clinical Skills Conference, Prato, Italy.
Greig A, Murphy S, Regehr G. (2017, May). Virtual patient cases: Can they teach foreign trained health professionals about differences in health culture and context? Proceedings of the Canadian Conference for Medical Education (CCME). Winnipeg, Canada.
Murphy, S..Greig, A., Anthony, J. (May 2019). Developing Professional Practice e-Learning Resources for Internationally Educated Physical Therapists. Poster presentation at World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress, Geneva, Switzerland (May 11, 2019).
Murphy, S. (2019, May) Authentic Assessment of Professional Competence in the Academic Setting – Two Suggestions. Oral presentation at International Clinical Skills Conference, Prato, Italy (May 19-22).
Masnyk, K., Murphy, S. (2019, October). I don’t know anything about professionalism, but I know it when I see it. Workshop at Canadian Network of Agencies for Regulation (“CNAR”) 2019 Conference, Quebec City, Quebec (October 29).
Greig, A., Anthony, J., Louie, D.R., Murphy, S., Sauve, K.(2020, February) Teaching and Assessing Professionalism Competence “Escape Room” Style. The Lilly Conference on Teaching for Active and Engaged Learning. (Poster Presentation). San Diego, CA, USA.
- Lifetime Achievement Award, Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia (2021)
- Award of Distinction, Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (2016)
- Associate Fellowship, AMEE (2015)
- Distinguished Achievement Award (Excellence in Education), UBC (2013)
- Killam Teaching Prize, UBC (2012)
- Education Award of Excellence for Education, Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia (2009)
- Award of Excellence for Leadership, Canadian Physiotherapy Association Leadership Division (2008)
- Recognition Award, Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (2007)
- Leadership Award, Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia (2004)
- Honorary Membership, Canadian Physiotherapy Association (2001)