Poster 6 – What Inspires Medical Students to Pursue Radiation Oncology?

Timothy Kong

Timothy Kong, Meredith Giuliani, Joanna Alfieri, Stella Kang, Maryam Dosani, Dan Golden, ParisAnn Ingledew

Poster Abstract:
Radiation oncology (RO) has experienced significant fluctuation in applications to Canadian postgraduate residency programs leading to an unstable number of trainees. Understanding what motivates medical students to pursue RO may improve workforce stability, which is essential to adequate cancer care. By analyzing application essays for a RO studentship, this study aims to identify themes describing why Canadian medical students were interested in RO.

Methods: Application essays for the CARO-CROF studentship (2014 – 2019) were anonymized prior to analysis (n = 66). Thematic data was collected using a grounded theory approach based on a priori conceptual frameworks. The primary coder analyzed essays to identify themes and sub-themes through constant comparative analysis. A random subset of essays was analyzed by a second coder. Coding was enhanced by discussion amongst the coders. Essays were iteratively re-evaluated to ensure consistency.

Results: Three major themes, with multiple sub-themes, described what interested medical students in RO. (1) Students perceived an alignment of RO with their construct of a fulfilling career. (2) Students were inspired by medical school and pre-medical exposures to RO. (3) Students described how personal events with cancer deeply impacted their values affecting career choice.

Conclusion: Medical students demonstrated compelling interest in RO, with perceived alignment of the specialty with their interests, past inspirational exposures, and impactful personal events. The themes identified by this analysis map well onto previous conceptual frameworks describing medical student decision making in other specialties. Educators can apply these findings to create purposeful curricula and educational opportunities to better promote RO as a career choice.

Key words: oncology, career, undergraduate

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