Health Professions Education Research and Innovations matter! 

The health professions education (HPE) research and innovations developed by CHES members are important and have great impact on local, national, and international health care. CHES is beginning to think about how to communicate and highlight that impact, and we would like your help.

To start, we are working with the following 5 themes representing some of the areas in which your work has impact:

  1. Access to healthcare,
  2. Patient safety,
  3. Patient-centred care,
  4. Staying competent, and
  5. Health advocacy.

What can you do to help?

Think about your research and innovations in HPE and the impact it has had in any of these five themes.  In order to ensure there is enough data to allow us to communicate impact we are looking for projects that have either been completed or are close to completion. Send your short summaries to Ravina Johal at, or pick up the phone and have a chat at 604-875-4111 x 69105.

Perhaps you find another theme striking that represents how your work in HPE and those of your colleagues have impacted the larger community.  Send those ideas along to Ravina as well. We will initially be focusing on the five themes listed above, but as this initiative evolves, we would love to have more themes to draw from.

Please submit your summaries by Friday, May 30th in order to be considered for the initial phase of this communication project. Summaries submitted after this date will be held for future consideration.

Help us celebrate the effects and influence of your work!