Unravelling the complexities of teacher motivation from the perspectives of teachers, learners and leadership: Implications for teacher engagement and recruitment
Katherine Wisener, PhD
PhD, Health Professions Education, Maastricht University
Associate Director, Faculty Development,
Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Time: 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Hybrid: IRC 414 & Zoom*
Zoom Details: For connection details, please email ches.communications@ubc.ca.
The recruitment and retention of teachers in health professions education is challenging and creates a significant amount of stress and pressure on programs to mitigate. Implementing incentives and strategies that ought to support those who teach can backfire if not delivered carefully, often unintentionally worsening the problem. For example, teaching awards, financial stipends, and feedback from learners can create perceptions of undervalue when they are impersonal, inequitable, inefficient, or poorly framed. In this presentation, I will highlight the perspectives of teachers themselves, the learners they teach, and those in educational leadership roles who supervise teachers in order to offer a holistic view of the complexities, unintended consequences, and nuanced perspectives in an attempt to elucidate helpful insight into how teachers may be better supported. The goal of this presentation is to further our understanding around how HPE teachers’ motivations can be optimized to recruit, support and retain teachers while reinforcing their engagement with, and dedication to, teaching.
Katherine Wisener is the Associate Director for Faculty Development in the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Medicine in Vancouver, Canada. She holds a PhD in Health Professions Education from Maastricht University, and received her MA degree in Educational Psychology at UBC. Her PhD is focused on how health professions education programs can support those who teach medical students and residents, with the goal of improving recruitment, engagement and retention of clinical teachers. In her faculty development role, she works to provide administrative and program leadership for faculty development efforts across undergraduate, postgraduate, and health professions contexts in UBC’s Faculty of Medicine.
The Division of Continuing Professional Development, University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine (UBC CPD) is fully accredited by the Continuing Medical Education Accreditation Committee (CACME) to provide CPD credits for physicians. This one-credit-per-hour Group Learning program meets the certification criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been certified by UBC CPD for up to 15 Mainpro+® credits. Each physician should claim only those credits accrued through participation in the activity. CFPC Session ID: 203168-001
RCPSC ACCREDITATION: The CHES Cutting Edge Speaker Series is a self-approved group learning activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.