Poster 11 – An Examination of Solutions to Mitigate Mental Health Responses Among Those At Risk of Severe Illness from COVID-19 Infection: An Integrated Scoping and Rapid Realist Review

Vidhi Thakkar, Karen Davison

Vidhi Thakkar, Simon Carroll, Benjamin Collins, Esme Fuller-Thomson, Brandon Hey, Marya Jaleel, Shen (Lamson) Lin, Laura Mullaly, Maura MacPhee, Angela Paric, Arun Ravindran, Ron Remick, Vicki Smye, Karen Davison

Poster Abstract:
The “echo” pandemic of COVID-19 has been the varied mental health responses related to quarantine, physical distancing, altered health care access, unexpected unemployment, and complicated grief. Currently, there is limited knowledge about how to mitigate mental health responses to the COVID-19 pandemic among high-risk populations.

Approach: A CIHR-funded integrated scoping and rapid realist review is underway to address knowledge gaps related to the prevention or mitigation of mental health responses for those at risk of severe COVID-19 infection. Using systematic approaches, an interdisciplinary team is synthesizing the literature from English-language academic (Ovid Medline, CINAHL, PsycInfo, Sociological Abstracts, EMBASE) and grey literature sources (conference proceedings, international, national, and provincial health non-profit organizations and governments, health provider organizations), as well as Chinese-language academic sources (CNKI, Airiti, Wan Fang). Keywords include COVID-19 combined with physical health conditions (e.g., cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, immune, neurocognitive) that present risk for COVID-19 infection, and mental health effects (e.g., anxiety, depression, schizophrenia). The literature focusing on interventions will be summarized using rapid realist methods and guided by a COVID-19 mental health promotion framework.
Anticipated Outcomes: Results to date will be presented for discussion and feedback. The findings will provide evidence for health care providers, policymakers, and researchers to develop, adapt, and examine approaches aimed at mitigating mental health responses among those at risk of severe illness from COVID-19 infection. The framework can be evaluated for applicability among programs that serve diverse populations at risk of severe infection from COVID-19 that aim to mitigate mental health impacts.

Learner Objectives:
1. Participants will review the current status of a knowledge synthesis about individuals at risk of Covid-19 and mental health responses.
2. Participants will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the Covid-19 mental health promotion framework.
3. Participants will learn how a mental health promotion framework may be applied to COVID19 related health practice, policy, and research.

Keywords: COVID-19, Mental Health, Rapid Realist

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