Visiting Scholar

Dr. Anna Ryan

Senior Lecturer, Department of Medical Education
University of Melbourne, AU

Dates: June 6 – 10, 2016

Dr. Anna Ryan<

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Purpose of Visit

During this visit to CHES, Dr. Ryan will be meeting with educators and researchers within the CHES community to further discuss and explore topics within assessment and feedback. Areas of particular interest include: test enhanced learning, progress testing and long case assessments, feedback, reflection and self-assessment.


Dr. Anna Ryan is a Medical Educator with clinical experience in both Medicine (predominately Emergency Department work) and Chiropractic. In addition to her clinical qualifications, she has a number of educational qualifications and PhD in Medical Education. Dr. Ryan’s research interests include assessment and feedback innovations. Her current work investigates the presentation of assessment data to learners in a way that enhances their learning (both knowledge acquisition and long term retention), is cost effective and is acceptable to stakeholders.

Dr. Ryan’s PhD research explored the influence of different kinds of post-test feedback on medical student learning behaviours and knowledge acquisition as measured by test results, study diaries, interview and questionnaires. Feedback types used in the experiment included normative information, curriculum references and certainty data. Her post-doctoral research is continuing to develop this work.