Laura Nimmon
Title – Situating health professions education research within social contexts: A qualitative researcher’s journey
Date: Monday, April 7, 2014
Time: 12:00pm to 1:30pm (Lunch will be served at DHCC)
- Diamond Health Care Centre 2263 (Host site)
- RJH CA 011
- MSB 107
- KGH CAC 250
- NHSC 9-374
- Frie 237*
- *Attendees at UBC Point Grey Campus’ Friedman Building (Frie 237)
will need to go to reception for access to the room.
This presentation will discuss a qualitative researcher’s journey from the discipline of health literacy into the broader field of health professions education research. It will highlight the importance of a perspective that accounts for the sociocultural aspects of medical education research. This perspective emphasises that social context and local interactions matter and can help us generate new insights into important issues pertinent to this field.
Laura Nimmon is a PhD Candidate in the Faculty of Education, Department of Language and Literacy, UBC. Prior to her PhD she worked internationally as an adult educator in Ecuador, Italy, and the United Arab Emirates. Drawing on activity theory, literacy as social practice theory, and social network theory, her most recent research looked for evidence of the social aspects of health literacy by analyzing the patterns of social interaction around health issues and information within a low SES rural community in Western Canada. Nimmon has gained a wide range of experience collaborating with interdisciplinary research teams in the areas of health communication, health education, adult education, health literacy, chronic disease management, health professional education, community based research, and telehealth. Nimmon’s MA health literacy case study with immigrant women was the recipient of a national
research award.