Master of Health Professions Education Canada (MHPE-Canada)

The MHPE-Canada is an international Master of Health Professions Education from the School of Health Professions Education at Maastricht University (the Netherlands). Although the degree is conferred from Maastricht University, the curriculum and research thesis supervision are delivered in part from CHES in Vancouver, British Columbia and the Centre for Education Research & Innovation (CERI) in London, Ontario.

The MHPE is a two-year, part-time research degree program that is primarily distance-based with annual, three-week courses that are delivered on-site at CHES or CERI. Campus Period 1 is typically delivered during the first three weeks of July, and Campus Period 2 in May/June of the following year.

The program focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and skills relevant for a career in the field of education and education research for the health professions, with thesis supervision and mentorship offered by local experts in the field.

The MHPE curriculum (updated in 2021) is designed to ensure that new insights and theories are included in the program, to support future leaders in health professions education to really make a difference. For a full curriculum overview, please refer to the Maastricht University’s MHPE site, and watch the introductory video to Maastricht’s curriculum here.

The MHPE-Canada program is open to students who have acquired a university degree in one of the health professions. Applications for a competitive admission process are accepted in the fall. Due to limited supervisory capacity, priority may be given to applicants who are affiliated with the local site.

MHPE-Canada Eligibility

To be considered for the MHPE-Canada Program, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Completion of a university degree in a health profession.
  2. Be either an active health professional or health professional in training.
  3. Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or WHO refugee. Visa trainees, whether in residency programs or fellowships, are not eligible.

MHPE-Canada Application Process

The following documentation must be submitted as part of the application process:

  1. Current CV
  2. Statement of Intent (max. 2 pages), addressing the following questions:
    1. Why do you want to pursue a graduate degree in health professions education?
    2. What previous experience and/or training in health professions (or non-health professions) education or research would you bring to your graduate study?
    3. How would the MHPE fit into your current and future career plans?
  3. Description of an educational problem or issue that interests the applicant (max.1 page).
  4. Departmental Letter of Support (max. 2 pages), outlining protected time over the 2-year term of the program, as well as 100% protected time to participate in both of the 3-week face-to-face course blocks. Note: if you are self-employed, indicate in your Statement of Intent how you plan to protect time for the MHPE.

Equity and diversity are essential to academic, education, and research excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the BC Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person.

Application Deadline

The deadline for the 2025 cohort applications has now closed. Applications for the 2026 cohort will be due by December 12, 2025. Please submit your application to, with the subject line: CHES MHPE Application.

On receiving your application, we will email you to confirm it has been received and to inform you of next steps. If you do not hear back from us by January 6, please do get in touch with us, emailing both and A selection committee will shortlist and interview eligible candidates, with the final selection to be made in February.

If you have any queries regarding the program, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us:

Tuition and Fees

Tuition for the entire two-year program is €18,200 to be paid directly to Maastricht University in two instalments of €9,100.

Students admitted into the program are also required to pay a site fee to the Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES) in the amount of $6,000 CAD, to be paid in two instalments of $3,000 CAD.

To pay the UBC MHPE-Canada Site Fee, please click here.

Maastricht Online Certificate Courses

Maastricht University also offers two online certificate courses, which provide students the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills related to major topics in health professions education; with each one being an equivalent to a specific section of the Master of Health Professions Education (MHPE) program. Taking these courses is excellent preparation for the full MHPE program – and should you enroll in the MHPE at a later date, you may skip the corresponding sections of the program already completed.

For further information on the courses, please visit Maastricht University’s website or contact them directly at

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