October 2017 What I’m Thinking About…

Drs. Glenn Regehr, Ian Scott & Brett Schrewe

“Competence by design”,  “Designing a new curriculum”:  We understand (variably) competence and curriculum, but what do we mean by “design”?

Date: Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Time: 12:00pm to 1:30pm

  • formal presentations and discussion from 12:00pm – 1:00pm, ongoing moderated discussion 1:00pm – 1:30pm
  • feel free to bring a bagged lunch


  • LSC 1312 (host venue)
  • DHCC 2262
  • MSB 131
  • RJH CA 011
  • KGH CAC 237
  • NHSC 9-374
  • CWH SHY F414
  • RCH 025



We understand (variably) competence and curriculum, but what do we mean by “design”? In this WITA, Glenn Regehr, Ian Scott and Brett Schrewe will engage participants in reflection about “design”. Glenn Regehr will consider how design is changed through the context of implementation. Ian Scott will describe design as a political process. Brett Schrewe will examine what philosophical and conceptual framings may be implicit in current approaches to design in health professions education.


    1. Participants will be able to describe “design” in health professions education
    2. Participants will develop new insights into the shift from design to implementation
    3. Participants will be able to describe factors that may influence educational design


The University of British Columbia Division of Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD) is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Continuing Medical Education (CACME) to provide study credits for continuing medical education for physicians. This course has been reviewed and approved by the UBC Division of Continuing Professional Development. This Group Learning course meets the certification criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been certified by UBC CPD for up to 1.0 Mainpro+ credits. This course is an Accredited Group Learning Activity eligible for up to 1.0 MOC Section 1 credits as defined by the Maintenance of Certification program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Each physician should claim only those credits he/she actually spent in the activity.

Accredited by UBC CPD