Folk History of CHES

A particularly memorable talk at CHES Day?

Maria Hubinette:

Fred Hafferty’s talk where he had the fellows collect and analyze data without having known what the research question was in the first place. The fellows were brilliant!

CHES Day 2017
Renate Kahlke:

Not really a talk, but at last year’s CHES Day Kevin told his story about the kid at the Marilyn Manson concert. The kid says that he loves going to Marilyn Manson concerts, because that’s where he’s allowed to be different – but everyone around him is dressed in black and they all look exactly the same. Kevin loves this story, and has told it many times. This is very endearing, though the photographic evidence of my reaction would suggest otherwise.

Gisèle Bourgeois-Law:

Blye Frank’s talk on diversity.

Kevin Eva:

Fred Hafferty – an engaging and provocative keynote although I’m sure my nomination is in part driven by recency bias.

Brett Schrewe:

Blye Frank’s line years ago still resonates with me, maybe because it was Blye, maybe because of where I was in life, maybe because sometimes seemingly simple words nail you to the wall. “What do you notice?” And honestly, trying to answer that question has essentially informed everything I’ve tried to do since.

Ian Scott:

I am going to go with CHES rounds–May 2016 Research Rounds by Dr. John Norcini. I was floored that quality of care declined for every year post graduation—this flies in the face of the concept of developing expertise—I still don’t know how to understand it.