Tandi Wilkinson, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Family Practice
Rural Scholar, Department of Family Practice
CPD Consultant, UBC Rural CPD Program
UBC Faculty of Medicine
Dates of Visit: January 29 – February 2, 2018
Purpose of Visit
During this visit to CHES, Tandi is hoping to use her time at CHES to connect with others working in intersecting areas of interest, to gain knowledge and to obtain feedback on her project.
Tandi is a rural family physician who currently practices emergency medicine in Nelson BC. She has experience in medical education through her role at UBC CPD, developing and delivering rurally specific educational programs for physicians throughout BC, with a focus on emergency medicine resources. Through the Rural Scholar Program, and using the scholarships of integration and application, she is exploring physician wellness. She believes that physician wellness includes personal resiliency as well as supportive relationships within the health care team and the larger health care system. Although there is an awareness of the role of personal resiliency as a factor in addressing the high rates of physician burnout, there is less awareness of the importance of relationship based care in supporting physician wellness, and even fewer opportunities to recognize and explore the cultural shifts necessary to create these relationships. She intends to create tools and resources for physicians that will change the medical culture across the country. When that is done she will return to her interests in outdoor adventure.