Stephanie Ameyaw, Bob Bluman
Brenna Lynn, Jennie Barrows, Stephanie Ameyaw, Kate Meffen, Steph Din, Bruce Hobson, Bob Bluman
Poster Abstract:
Background: UBC’s Division of Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD) is a trusted source of relevant, high-quality education for BC health care providers (HCPs). When faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, UBC CPD was challenged to address urgent and emerging learning needs created by the pandemic whilst simultaneously pivoting education, from predominantly face-to-face to virtual delivery.
Purpose: To provide BC HCPs with current, reliable virtual education to address needs created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: UBC CPD swiftly mobilized to deliver a comprehensive COVID-19 education strategy that supported HCPs. Leadership at UBC CPD, the Faculty of Medicine, an advisory committee and key informants provided input on HCP learning needs. A webinar series was developed to allow for responsive programming and enable human connection whilst reaching a wide audience. A panel-led ‘Q&A’ format was utilized to incorporate evolving information and reduce faculty load. Due to high demand and evolving needs, the series was delivered at an unprecedented frequency of two session per week.
Results: Between March 26 and June 30, twenty-one webinars supported 10,928 urban and rural HCPs during the COVID-19 pandemic. This process identified success factors for HCP education during a pandemic: webinar evaluation surveys as a responsive and iterative needs assessment; responsive diverse faculty engagement; and Q&A format versus didactic presentations enables knowledge transfer and encourages participant engagement.
Conclusion: For the foreseeable future, physical distancing measures will limit opportunities for inperson interaction. Our strategy exemplifies a successful example of rapid mobilization to provide engaging virtual education that addresses emerging educational needs.
Key words: mobilization, pandemic, CPD/CME