Global rating scale for the assessment of paramedic clinical competence
Tavares W, Boet S, Theriault R, Mallette T, Eva KW. Global rating scale for the assessment of paramedic clinical competence. Prehospital emergency care. 2013 Jan 1;17(1):57-67.
Validation of a global assessment of arthroscopic skills in a cadaveric knee model
Shantz JA, Leiter JR, Collins JB, MacDonald PB. Validation of a global assessment of arthroscopic skills in a cadaveric knee model. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery. 2013 Jan 1;29(1):106-112.
Effect of exposure to good vs poor medical trainee performance on attending physician ratings of subsequent performances
Yeates P, O’Neill P, Mann K, Eva KW. Effect of exposure to good vs poor medical trainee performance on attending physician ratings of subsequent performances. JAMA. 2012 Dec 5;308(21):2226-2232.
Objective assessment of laparoscopic skills: dual-task approach
Meneghetti AT, Pachev G, Zheng B, Panton ON, Qayumi K. Objective assessment of laparoscopic skills: dual-task approach. Surgical Innovation. 2012 Dec;19(4):452-459.
Comparing the use of global rating scale with checklists for the assessment of central venous catheterization skills using simulation
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Determination of the psychometric properties of a behavioural marking system for obstetrical team training using high-fidelity simulation
Morgan PJ, Tregunno D, Pittini R, Tarshis J, Regehr G, Desousa S, Kurrek M, Milne K. Determination of the psychometric properties of a behavioural marking system for obstetrical team training using high-fidelity simulation. BMJ Quality & Safety. 2012 Jan 1;21(1):78-82.
Adapting objective structured clinical examinations to assess social work students’ performance and reflections
Bogo M, Regehr C, Logie C, Katz E, Mylopoulos M, Regehr G. Adapting objective structured clinical examinations to assess social work students’ performance and reflections. Journal of Social Work Education. 2011 Jan 15;47(1):5-18.
Modification of an OSCE format to enhance patient continuity in a high-stakes assessment of clinical performance
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Rater-based assessments as social judgments: rethinking the etiology of rater errors
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Adjusting our lens: can developmental differences in diagnostic reasoning be harnessed to improve health professional and trainee assessment?
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