Allison Campbell, RM, MA (Sociology)
Undergraduate Program Lead
Midwifery Program, Department of Family Practice
Dates of Visit: July 30 – August 3, 2018
Purpose of Visit
During this visit to CHES, Allison will meet with health educators and scholars to explore ideas related to critical think and social justice in health education. She aims to use this time to increase her knowledge of what is being done in this area, expand her thinking about intersectionality in health education, and to solidify a work plan for the next year.
Allison has worked as a Registered Midwife in East Vancouver since 2006. Her graduate work (completed in 2004) looked at women’s federal prisons in Canada, focusing on the treatment of women classified as maximum security. She became an Instructor in the Midwifery Program in 2015. For the past 18 months Allison has acted as the Interim Director, and is now transitioning to the role of Midwifery Undergraduate Program Lead. She still maintains clinical practice.
Her scholarly interests lie in bringing a social justice lens to health care provision and education, and she is interested in exploring how best to teach this in an effective and transformative manner. She aims to bring an intersectional lens to midwifery education, by exploring how historical and systemic discrimination such as racism, sexism, classism, heteronormativity, ableism and others, variably impacts health professions students, health care providers, patients/clients, and ultimately, the health care that gets provided. Her specific research areas of interest are the effects of a lack of diversity among midwives in Canada, and prison-based health care provision. Administratively, she is interested in increasing access to and supports for students who are typically underrepresented in the health professions.